I think the key word in that statute is “Public”. Would DNA test results be considered “Public”? I don’t think so since that kind of stuff falls under HIPAA, so that’s likely the loophole they used for this.
I think the key word in that statute is “Public”. Would DNA test results be considered “Public”? I don’t think so since that kind of stuff falls under HIPAA, so that’s likely the loophole they used for this.
What happens if you set the start time at 12:00 AM and the end time to 11:59 PM?
One of my gmail accounts I checked and I hadn’t changed my password since 2012. Changed that one real quick. The other google account (my main one) I have 2-factor enabled.
I think the real concern is that a lot of people use the same password for everything. So if hackers get email credentials, a lot of times they can get into bank accounts as well. They might go through your email only to find out which bank you use.
That’s pretty much what happened with my example. This was years ago, before smart phones and yelp, but we met where we both worked for our summer jobs and both thought an evening at a comedy club would be a lot of fun for a first date.
Other than the horror movie one, I’d like all of those ideas.
“avoid comedy clubs at all costs”
Well, the vast majority of the people actually operating civilian Nuke plants are former Navy Nukes.
You have to be careful with those. I read an article a little while back about how people can be denied health and life insurance because of the results of those genetic tests.
And as someone who spent 8 years in the Navy working with Nuclear power, stories like this just irritate the hell out of me.
well, this way people know it’s a widespread issue and not just with their computer.
That’s part of the AC adapter. The end of it plugs in where the Blue thing in the article plugs in. It came with my Macbook years ago, not sure if they are still including it.