
heh, now i’m imagining part 2, where instead of actively interceding, the whispers just hang out on the sidelines complaining. cloud heroically blocks sephiroth’s killing blow, saving aerith, and some shitty ghost in the background just moans “....this sucks, you guys....”

Kazushige Nojima is the scenario writer here and one of the script writers as well. You might know him from one of his other works where he was scenario designer and writer: Final Fantasy VII.

You might also know Tetsuya Nomura from another work he was a writer(and character designer) on called Final Fantasy VII.


Well 25+, but sure... point is though, let’s say I’m selling you a new copy of a book everyone knows and loves, something huge that is well known in pop culture... for this example lets say “IT” (roughly 1200 pages, it’s ridiculous) - but you receive a paperback with only 300 that ends abruptly with an odd cliffhanger

Since most of the ways of earning money are part of the normal gameplay loop, I’m starting to think most of the people who bought New Horizons don’t like playing New Horizons 

If he wanted cheap controllers he should have got them a PoryStation!

Improving the culture of a company is a hard thing to do that takes a lot of time. I hope that it works out for all the people on the ground at Rockstar. To make the culture of a company worse, all you really have to do is to start an herb garden.

That’s because Shinra is all about closing doors and the resistance is all about opening them. It’s deep.

“SNL last night was surreal. Tom Hank was on hand to be the virtual host [. . .]” 

“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

You realize I wasn’t advocating this approach, that it was discussion amongst local business owners and chamber folk? They can check themselves.

hur dur, stick to cars!!!!

But I don’t have any student loan debt left. Can I have $10,000?

I feel like you literally didn’t read the article.

Some guys (not sure if customers or co-workers) at our office will walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands after they poop.

I wouldn’t mind, except raid battles take so long to find in the first place, let alone when you’re trying to find someone specific. The matchmaking is truly horrible.

I booted up Pokemon Sword after seeing that there is Mewto on the max raid battles... turned it off after realizing i cant catch it...

Nice memorial, thanks. RIP Kazuhisa Hashimoto. Thanks for giving me a chance to practice in those games.

She’s been one of the most talented musicians working for like 15 years now, collabing with folks like Brownstein and David Byrne. She’s deffo not just “popular musics of today.”

It’s way more productive than realizing spending 300 hours playing Pokemon, most of it trying to hatch a f-ing shiny egg.

Man, that image is bad. You can practically see where the artist made a pretty typical looking dog / fox thing with a crystal at the top of its head, and the boss was like “okay, but let’s stretch it’s head straight up in Photoshop so it’s way out of proportion without actually updating the rest of the design to make