
The card game is fun enough but the quest attached to it suuuuuuucks

The dynamics of FFXII change quite a bit once you realize Basch and Balthier are the main characters and Vaan is just the storyteller

If they made an entire game out of the first five or six hours of FF7, it’s certainly gonna be more than nine years before they’re done with the remakes, if ever.

Also, between my current slow replay of FF7 and seeing all the games in one place here, I’m realizing I haven’t like the character design of most of the

Hi, Terry! Can I get an autograph?

It’s comic book world, of course there can. There’s megaverse and then there’s an omniverse, which includes a bunch of different multiverses, and includes our reality...

Alternatively: Dan Slott run on spider-man was a lot of fun and I am excited for this teamup

Would you say he’s #1?

“It’s so cool that they’re bringing in Palpatine’s boss(?) after never mentioning him in any movies. So neat that he was just off-screen the entire time!”

I don’t know about that.  There used to be a tweaker on a BMX that frequented near my workplace.  He is gone now.  I’m pretty sure it was the speed.

I’m still waiting for MS-Tres. Shit’s been held up longer than Half-Life.

Now playing

The moment when T.O. gave Stephen A. conniptions after the workout on his show has to be one of the highlights of 2019.

The cinema wasn’t aware of the detail of the private rental and has since cancelled the showing.

And since they’re re-running the same GMC commercial from last year, this means they bought each other THE EXACT SAME watches and GMCs they bought each other last year!

I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off

Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not

May as well link to Will’s post about Rick Chandler:

Now playing

Deadspin and its commentariat was the best thing on the internet.

Sorry, gotta get one long comment in before they shut off the lights:

Concourse post, comments work!