
He’s going to get plunked in batting practice tomorrow.

I’m pretty sure the unwritten rules will show that that was not a bat flip.

Since this is obviously a made up story, in order to make it easier for everyone else to separate fact from fiction here, I’ve taken the liberty of going through the entire article and highlighting the things that are obviously make believe so readers coming after me can focus on the aspects of the article that may be

>>I heard some people talking about how he was a step up from Trubiski when he took over in the last game!<<

IF you are going to comment about this, get it right. the steelers decided to kick to start OT because their average starting position on kickoff returns was inside their own 15—Tucker was kicking the ball high and to about the 3 yard line, forcing a return, and the Steelers woefully inept kick return team/returners

“What was he thinking?”

If I was Darnold, I’d spin this out as long as possible in the hope that Gase gets fired before I come back. It’s the smartest choice he could make at this point.

The Washington Ha! Skins

Alum and former football player at this high school.

My ugly 2-deep wall of eagerly awaited Sports Illustrateds, if I’m lucky, will sustain my brain after I can no longer figure out how to operate digital devices.

Ray Ratto’s kid’s real name is, naturally, Raychyl.

People aren’t complete idiots

Strange; when I was last in Williamsburg, everyone looked like they were straight out of Colonial times...

And his sidekick Montgomery Ward.

played the foil to Jerry West’s Batman.

Look out, Alabama!

It is rather unfortunate that companies figured out that the “average” American only half reads anything and don’t really care who produced the content, even if the source is as suspect as a fart after eating Taco Bell.

I thought you were supposed to be covering sports, not covering journalism. Is there some way that I, the average reader, could register my displeasure at this non-sports content to your manager? It has turned me off the idea of clicking to find out about the new Mazda lineup.