
 We all thought it sounded super cool, and that was that. Pat is correct that we hoped to use the WarCraft moniker to name a whole series of games, across many different genres – fantasy, sci fi, modern military, historic military, etc. Of course the only two we ever actually developed were WarCraft and StarCraft.

-This drops the Bengals to 11-25 all time on MNF.
-They’re 22-50 all time in primetime games. They haven’t won a MNF on the road since 1990.
- They have now lost 12 of the last 13 games they’ve played against Pittsburgh, and are 8-27 against the Steelers since the time when Marvin Lewis took over as their head coach.

You know about it. You just don’t remember it. There’s a difference.

I’ve mentioned before my weird hobby of watching decades-old NFL games on YouTube. Well, a couple days ago, I found myself rewatching Super Bowl XXIV and giggling like a small child at John Elway’s otherworldly futility in that game.

A 4-4 tie, with four safeties on muffed snaps that the quarterback just covers up.

It’s a good thing such a thoughtful and talented Quarterback is playing for team known for taking advantage of other truly generational talents like Andre Johnson and Jadeveon Clowney.

The only downside of a speedy Sam Darnold recovery is that at the end Sam Darnold is able to be your team’s quarterback.

I wish people would read more thoroughly in these articles. It clearly states that colleges themselves are NOT paying the athletes, its just allows athletes to make money doing endorsements or what have you. However, this is the argument against that I keep seeing people make. WAHHH THE COLLEGE HAS TO PAY THEM NOW?

Mark Emmert looks like a garden gnome who was granted his one wish of becoming a Republican televangelist.

I suppose it would be silly to point out that the Red Sox could easily pay a luxury tax. That money is no issue for one of the richest teams in the league, since they have a multi-year sell out streak at the stadium, own their own cable network, sell millions in merchandising rights? So even if the tax is $1 for every

After being spurned by Trout, I’m hoping the Phillies take a good long look at signing Betts.

Your comment steered me to Wikipedia to reacquaint myself with Brunell’s bankruptcy, when I stumbled upon this gem:

Minshew is an anagram for "Wins? Meh."

Without question the most cordial comment thread about sports in internet history. It’s like the first time seeing the Grand Canyon.

not sure I like the glass-half-empty rebrand of LRSG, Lauren

I guess as a non-soccer fan, red card doesn't quite say very much. What did he get the red card for?

This is pretty standard stuff. Gotta burn through those vacation and sick days before you leave your employer

“Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!” I shrieked, upstarting—
“Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from

To be fair, all he has to do is ask himself what his brother would do, and then not do that.