
You can’t have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat.

“so, my email address is hashtag I don’t care, okay.

“Listen, for the amount of money I send to the alumni association, YA DAMN RIGHT I AM WRITING PAT’S POST-GAME SCRIPTS! Now, let me tell you about the dinner I had last night with Magic & Charles.” - Wilbon

Instead of throwing to aerial images of the Washington Monumnet, the broadcasters should show the Landover skyline.

*Minor note of contention: it’s Trubinsky.

Jim Tomsula’s impact is being felt from top to bottom in this organization.

Boras suggests the half-measure of getting baseball’s umpires to “oversee regular toweling of bases during wet weather”

If Dan Marino had played hockey:


Isn’t that just a Philly cheesesteak with fries in it?

Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia

When he signed him none of this really bad stuff had come out yet. He had just got frostbite and called a GM a cracker. Deadspin was still running articles on how good organizations can handle guys like Brown and Owens. But all of that feels like a million years ago.

You’re close, but I think id10t is a better fit here.

It’s weird to me when people on a sports site don’t know what “over/under" means.

Cam Newton is selfish can be described in on play, 4th and goal on the one yard line:
Selfish Cam - takes the snap, dives over the pile, scores.
“Good football” Cam - Hands it off to Christian Mccaffrey, who runs 20 yards to the left, before being tackled for a one yard loss (also acceptable, Cam drops back for a pass

Cam Newton is playing injured and probably has been playing injured for the last 3 or so years. He continued to play, because the Panther’s only other option at that point was...*check notes*...A literal robot who was programmed to throw turnovers and make racial slurs. He didn’t play because he was selfish, he played

More like Paul Substandardbaum amiri...

The most underrated band of the ‘90s was Poop Towel.

I’m hoping my boys Donkey Teeth, Fudge, and Jackmarius Thackteratrix all get some time in as well.