
Lol being in a frat in college was a lot of fun and all but the people who stay involved like that beyond college to be Professional Fraternity Dudes (because let’s be real the people this committed are the ones who scold you for saying frat, iT’s FrAtErNiTy) basically chose the “middle school student council” of

Nah he just got...

It also looks like there’s chocolate syrup dried in there.

confirmation that Luck is a kinja commenter

The Colts will forever be known for this in my opinion...

Indiana is a dump that makes my broke, corrupt home state of Illinois somehow look good in comparison.

Rhode Island is the Virginia Beach of New England 

I misread the sentence before the picture of the special teams coach as “Meanwhile, enjoy this potato of special teams coach Bubba Ventrone!”, and I like it better that way.

It’s kind-of sweet to see the last great Stanford QB drafted by the Colts so broken-hearted over the most-recent one.

I don’t think the Bucs would give up that much just to get rid of Winston.

It’s ok, Indiana will pull itself up by its bootstraps any decade now. Republican-style!!!

I’m so excited to have a new brain genius in profession sports. Like, Kyrie just got served. 

Well go ahead and do an article on the data you wish you had, so you can compare it to the article Jalopnik did on the data they do have, and then we’ll see whose article is better.

Why does every WYTS have a Pats fan in the comments that somehow makes it about them?  Extra points for squeezing in the number of Super Bowls they have in the last several years.  WE KNOW DUDE, WE ALL KNOW, JUST LET US HAVE ONE FUCKING BLOG WHERE WE CAN FOCUS ON SOMEONE ELSE

Can’t wait till Swag Kelly takes over week 4, strings together 3 weeks of excellent games, then gets arrested for stealing condoms out of a high schooler’s Jeep in an Arby’s parking lot

Yes, Uber, Lyft, et al should pay their drivers more, but can we talk about the complete fucking dick who stopped at Taco Bell?

I’m not typically one to cast aspersions on people I don’t know, but if Dan Dakich’s family member is dealing with chronic work-related injuries, has earned $100 million in the last seven years, and has a degree in architectural design from Stanford, then he’s an idiot for continuing to show up every day at the steel

Don’t undersell my man Kesey like that! I’m sure he was on WAY more drugs than Irsay. He could just handle his shit like an adult.

What it really tells you is that when you come to football purely for love of the game (i.e., especially if you come from an upbringing of privilege) and make a relatively huge amount of money in your early career, it doesn’t matter how good you might have been or how much more money you probably stood to earn, it’s