And for the third year in a row I was unaware of the existence of the Las Vegas Aces, and I kind of pay attention to womens’ basketball.
And for the third year in a row I was unaware of the existence of the Las Vegas Aces, and I kind of pay attention to womens’ basketball.
It better be. Guy has already shown he’s willing to hold out.
Was this the correct call?...Yes in that Moretti’s finger was in fact the last to touch the ball before it went out of bounds.
Please put the entire text of your email in the subject line and nothing in the body, those are my favorite.
I’ve always thought Davis was one of the batters most heavily effected by the use of the shift against him. I’m an O’s fan now in MA, so my viewing is limited, but I’ve watched any number of his at bats end in a hard ground ball between 1st and 2nd that without the shift would have been a single. Of course I will…
Pretty sure he would have missed all of them anyway.
LOL @ the Angels being able to get a person from 2nd home without having Trout at bat.
I stopped internet use yesterday when I saw a video of someone shouting wrestling is fake while wearing a survivor t-shirt.
He is unquestionably the best player in the game, and has been every year he’s played, which is why he’s won the MVP every season. Or at least he has in the alternate universe where I live, in which sportswriters aren’t morons.
All these counting stats. I want to know the really important stats, like how many wars he has won so far this season.
Thanks for this (and to others who clarified). Still really confusing!
I totally disagree. I can do all those things over a multi week period with countless breaks in between. 2 push-ups in the morn. 1 sit up just around lunchtime. You get my drift.
Fighting is part of the game.
As mentioned earlier, no matter what you do, someone is gonna be pissed. Heck, I’m an old fart and remember when the best games of the playoffs were in the first round of the Smythe between Calgary and Edmonton. Whoever won that series went to the Cup final for a decade. Six Stanley cup wins and four President’s…
When it was 1v8, 2v7 etc. people bitched and moaned about the lack of compelling rivalries and historical match-ups. No ‘Battles of Alberta’ (not that both teams had been relevant in the same year since 1991), Norris division bloodbaths or Adams division ‘who gets to smoke the Nords/Sabres in the first round this…
I coached high school basketball, and about halfway through the season the players got together and requested that I start yelling at them.
This article reads like you made your thesis and forced these two quotes to imply something they do not. Auriemma’s quote ends with “Because some people have abused the role of a coach,” and McGraw explicitly says that not being tolerant of bulling is “not a bad thing.” Unless you’re going to print the full context in…
Half of this region sound like they came from Mos Eisley Cantina regs.