
Poorly bred pure breds can be all sorts of messes.

Exactly! I don’t participate in gossip therefore I usually don’t hear any gossip. It’s usually much, much later (if ever) that I hear gossip about my small office. There are people in the world that just do not gossip. 

I love how everyone assumes that everyone is “in the know” about things. I work in a very small office but I don’t, generally speaking, partake in gossip and everyone knows that so I don’t usually hear about things that are going on until years, if ever, after the fact. I’d hate to think that would make me somehow

I’ll be 46 in just a few weeks and I’m childless by choice. I’ve only had a few people tell me I’d regret that decision and those people weren’t anyone that is in my life. Your friend absolutely needs better friends! 

Wasn’t there a time that she claimed those were just her lips, though? When did that story change? Or am I just mis-remembering because I don’t, really, keep up with the k’s? 

I’m close enough to being 46 that I might as well just say I’m 46.

“It’s Not Right But It’s Okay” is my favorite Whitney. 

I had never about this until just three weeks ago when a friend of mine from NJ told me. 

How is there a housing shortage? I see empty houses and empty store fronts and empty warehouses everywhere that could, and should, be re-purposed but, instead, I just see new housing developments going up everywhere and controversial proposals for more development in scenic areas! 

Hot dogs are the only reason to attend live sporting events or backyard cookouts. If I show up at a backyard cookout and all they have is fancy food I am instantly devastated. 

I wish it was only 90 degrees in Arizona right now. I’m melting! 

At the very least his facial hair is admitting he’s guilty of being a douche.

I’m just here for the Liam Hemsworth photo.

“We will be fine!”

This is the loveliest comment section I’ve seen in some time. Mr. Rogers would be proud of us.

I would love* to see his browser history.

*I likely wouldn’t love it but you know what I mean.

I’ve been to Ireland, Russia, London, and Spain. Those 4 trips STILL don’t add up to what he spent on ONE trip. And the cost doesn’t even include the cost of his staff and security?!
Like, I hate Trump just as much as the next guy but it’s these administration guys that I honestly think about the most. Most people are

If I remember and understand what I’ve read properly, Prince was very much aware that once he was gone he would no longer have any control over what was done with the music recordings he left behind and felt “oh, well. I won’t be around, I can let go of that control” about it. Paraphrasing and simplifying it, I’m

I get lots of push back when I say there are levels to these things. But I say it as a woman that has experienced, personally, the different levels of this! The dude telling me on the street I have nice tits is rude and wrong but not AS wrong as the dude that tried to get all up on me while I was trying to go to sleep

Why does there need to be a competition where one wins? They were weddings. Of two different people. With different personalities.