
This. I don’t know what my friends do and how they act when they’re not in my presence. Why do we assume celebrity friendships/relationships are any different?

There’s also the thing where not all of us women are as direct as we think we are. There are times that I’m thinking I’m totally putting out the “let’s have sex” moves on my guy and he doesn’t pick up on it and when I point it out he says “That was a move?!?” Same goes the other way. We may think we’re being clear in

You may be me. HAHAHA! But, yeah, no kids and nothing of real value made it all super easy. Sold the house, paid off all debt, he told me to keep anything left from that (not much but still very nice), and that was that. And, like you, when I hear about how most divorces go I just appreciate him so much more. Same for

Same. We pre-determined how we were going to divide things, hit up a lawyer together, they lawyer presented in court, papers signed and divorce done. Easy peasy. No bullshit.

Right? She is so definitely both of their’s child.

I’m 45. I had the same reaction as you watching that movie. I thought she was in on the joke “Hey look! I have no ass! But I’m dancing like I do! I’m so cute and funny!” is how I took that scene. Not “Oh, my ass should look like that.”

Or his neckbeard.

This. I’m sure some male gynos are fine and that’s fine but they don’t have vaginas or ovaries or uteruses and they don’t know what it’s like and a book cannot teach that. So, no thank you, male gynos. I’m sure most of you are fine but no.

Who can just shit on command like that?!?! I’m almost impressed.

Ok, fine, I’ll see this movie.

  • Who did the cooking in your family when you were growing up? What seasonings did they use in almost everything? My mom. And I swear the only seasonings she used was salt and pepper. She also didn’t overcook meat so things still had nice flavor. Despite not being introduced to may spices in the home I grew up being a

Apparently you’ll also get not so subtly watched if you like to take photographs on interesting things in the airport and then decide to also use your down time at the gate to write in your journal.

This is such a simple, yet genius, solution and I’m so mad that I never thought of it.

I saw Purple Rain when it was first released in 1984. I was 12. My Mom took me. The only movie I recall my Mom having reservations in letting me watch as a kid was Alien and that was only because she knew it would scare the shit out of me. She was right.

Thanks for linking the article!

ALL OF THIS! In the same damn breath they can come out with that bullshit and it pisses me off that they don’t see how obviously racist and hypocritical they truly are.



DAMMIT! This show is great. Why must all the good shows end too soon and bullshit like The Big Bang Theory go on and on and on?!?!

I take the old left over bar before it breaks and put it on top of the new bar while they are both wet and press down lightly. It dries overnight. Then the next days as I use it, I twist it around and around in my hands to lather, and, further marry them together until they are one seamless bar.