
When I actually did time the full process once, I did discover that it took me longer to hard boil eggs this way than if I’d just done them on the stove. But then I had to look at the overall benefit: When I do them in the InstantPot vs the stove, I feel like I can do other things while they cook in the IP and the

This is me, too. My sister is constantly questioning why I love him now as an adult when I, apparently, hated him as a kid. I don’t remember hating him as a kid but she and mom both say I did so I guess it’s true. Sesame Street was my jam, though. (As was Captain Kangaroo) But now I totally just love Mr. Rogers and am

So, they can stop pretending this show is about finding someone to love, then, right? Like, it is possible to fall in love with someone that has herpes. Can they just now stop with the bullshit, please?

I haven’t been to a lot of places and not all of the questions are relevant to me but I’ll answer the ones that I might have a good enough answer for!

Oh, my gosh I bet that is just too cute. On my evening walk I get to see lots of farm bunnies and they are just adorable.

This has been my suggestion. Why reboot things that were good when there are plenty of projects that really should have been good but, for whatever reason, just fell flat. Redo THOSE! Give those projects a remake and make it shine this time!

Oh, I wouldn’t trade my mutts for anything! It just amazes me that I’m a full grown adult woman and they are two 17ish pound little dogs that I can sometimes be overtaken by with their enthusiasm to be in my face at the same time with the same level of energy and hypeness. It makes me giggle and then they get more

Me, too! As I approach to pet and hug.

Thanks so much!! I’ll give ‘em both a try to see how they work. Dumb allergy eyes. *kicks rocks*

Thanks so much!! I’ll give ‘em both a try to see how they work. Dumb allergy eyes. *kicks rocks*

Do the eye de-puffer products work on allergy eyes? My eyes get so damned puffy thanks to my allergies but I’ve never tried any de-puffers thinking it wouldn’t work on me since it’s my allergies causing it. Have I led myself astray?!

Do the eye de-puffer products work on allergy eyes? My eyes get so damned puffy thanks to my allergies but I’ve

Yep! I went there for bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits, hot ham n swiss sandwich, and the fried chicken. The rest of the menu was, as you said, shit.

YES! I told my boyfriend that one of these days I’m gonna die by being smothered by two crazy little mutts. Velociraptors on my face with enthusiasm.

This is the second story of heard about squiggle writer pens being used as a vibrator in a year!

I had always wished they’d merge menus more completely, unless they have and I just don’t know it since I’ve not been in forever. But the Hardee’s Hot Ham ‘n Swiss sandwich was a solid sandwich and I never saw it on the Carl’s Jr. menu once I moved into their territory.

I save glass jars (salsa, jam, etc) and use them to pour the bacon grease in then store it in the fridge! It’s AWESOME having bacon grease on hand when you don’t, necessarily want or need to cook up some bacon but you want that flavor. I use it a lot of my bacon grease deviled eggs.

It’s a perfect representation of me trying to do anything with my two little mutts around. It’s like I’m living with dog shaped pandas.

I’m convinced that if I were to ever encounter a panda bear in the wild I will surely be killed because the Internet has shown me that they are basically goofy, roly poly, adorable bear versions of my little mutts. I’d go to hug one and it would not end well.

it took me a while but once I realized how much more I enjoy the traveling and the going and doing things it all just clicked into place!

A few of the best things I’ve done: