
Ugh. I’m disgusted that they even thought of doing this! But I’m still dealing with watching “Compliance” and reading the background info about that case and how unbelievable it is to me what some people can be convinced to do!

I had ‘shrooms absolutely slathered in cheese once and I could still taste them. Mushrooms ruins everything, imo.

I am having a hard time imagining that I wouldn’t know there are mushrooms in there. I just really, really do not like mushrooms. At least not that varieties I’ve tried. I’ve had them minced up super tiny and the second it’s in my mouth I can taste it and it ruins everything. I’ve had them slathered in cheese and all

Frankly, I’m tired of seeing women tell other women what they should or should not wear.

Nike has some that are more like yoga pants than leggings and they fit me better than any of the others. I wait for them to go on sale at the Nike Outlet and scoop ‘em up!

I got a pair at the Nike Outlet and they are AMAZING! As soon as I get home from work, they go on. They have pockets and wide legs and make me look like I’m wearing a diaper but I give no shits because comfortable as fuck.

I went to see it at a 9:15am Sunday showing thinking I’d avoid a crowd. Nope, sold out!

You are not alone. #TeamChestHair

That was my takeaway, too. Because she really, really does think she nailed it.

She was SO proud of herself.

I haven’t! I just Googled and it looks like they were here back in 2015 for a limited time and I missed it. Booo!

YES!! I had them when I was on the road headed towards Ourense! SO GOOD!  

I usually stick to local fare while I travel but while in St. Petersburg there was a McDonald’s next door to our hotel that had a bakery in it. A McCafe. So, after a few drinks at the bar my group head over and ordered all of the baked goods and had a party.

I see people bitching about how people are using food stamps to buy steak and lobster and “I don’t get to buy steak and lobster! Why should they get to use MY TAX DOLLARS! to buy steak and lobster?!?!!” And I’m all “Make better choices with your money? If I want steak, I budget for it. Shit! Stop acting like you know

UGH! Yeah, that shit happens and it sucks. I’m so sorry that happened to you and your fuzz to the extent you have scars! WTF?!?!

People just show up to your house with their dogs without asking?!?!? I don’t even do that to friends that have dogs! Or my own family! You always ask!

Sunday mornings, imo, are the BEST times to take in a movie. Even on opening weekend. I’m planning to be last row center on Sunday morning for this one!

It was Seinfeld. He and Elaine swooped in with the “I’m here for you” stuff and assumed that eventually it would lead to just “I’m here.”

I am so glad you didn’t fall over the cliff, oh my god. This is my worst nightmare. I hike, too, and there’s a few areas I go that scare me and then you get kids and, yes, loose dogs running around and I’m scared to death of this exact scenario!

Exactly! *If* I brought one or both of my dogs to the office, I’d place a baby gate across my door way so they couldn’t just wander and I don’t have to hold on to a leash all day. But they’d get so bored, they would whine to go see what all the other people and dogs were doing, etc. I’d have to stop what I’m doing to