
Yup. I worked with a lady that was really, really afraid of dogs so the few times I took my dogs to work (when each was a puppy and then when we had a camp for autistic youth I took my Golden in as he was a certified therapy dog and they asked me to) I made sure she knew ahead of time so she’d not be startled. It’s

I don’t mind a few mistakes, really. But when I literally have no idea what “you’re” talking about most of the time? No thank you. A text shouldn’t give me a headache!

Plus, I’m already covered in my own dogs’ hair, I don’t need more.

THIS! One of my dogs would be fine at work or anywhere else. The other wouldn’t because some loud noises scare him and he gets weird and protective at times if other dogs are around. He’s happier at home.

This is why I won’t take my dogs to dog parks. Too many people don’t understand their dogs, don’t train their dogs, don’t watch their dogs, and think their dogs are awesome when really they’re little assholes that are pissing off all of the other dogs.

Well, of course exceptions and all of that. Like, if my company owned a full building or multiple floors have an area that is dog friendly and have one that is not. Or, have it known from the start “We have dogs. If you work here, you kind of really need to love dogs.”


I love my dogs. I love your dogs. I love dogs I see on the street. I love all dogs.

I prefer one text with complete sentences and full thoughts. I also prefer it if people proofread before they hit send so I don’t have to spend 5 minutes trying to figure out what the fuck they are trying to say.

I think that outside of NYC the rest of the state is fairly conservative.

I just pour ‘em into my mouth like a heathen, but these suggestions sound lovely!

I wish Vanessa had worn black skates but overall I liked her unitard. I’m team unitard. And Morgan’s ensemble looks like she just went on the street and said “Hey, you look like you an skate. Come with me!” Meaning, he looked like he was wearing some sort of casual man on the street clothes.

Most people think of mass shootings as the ones like in Vegas and yesterday. They are “splashy” and get the most attention so that makes sense.

I moved from the East Coast area to Arizona 9 years ago and I am still shocked every time I’m out and about and see someone packing. Out to a pancake breakfast, with a gun. It’s just weird and jarring to me. I don’t understand it.

Yup. It’s such a damn shame that they use these types of tactics ON SICK PEOPLE!! People in pain! It’s just horrible. I’m so thankful for that one billing person being so honest with me and for your bf being there with you.

I’ve basically set boundaries and now they act like I’m the asshole and it’s turned into a game of “who can ignore the other the longest.” I’m just tired of the whole thing, really. But I’m more tired of being treated like shit.

This is a good explanation. I didn’t find it scary, it’s just that anxious feeling.

Same. I was reading a run-down earlier and thought “how is this not on Jez yet?!” and almost sent it to the tip email. ha!

When did this concept of “being real” turn into “being an irrational asshole?” Because I see other people being irrational assholes and when called out they shrug and claim “you just can’t handle how real I am.”

He really does. When I see him I can’t help but think “Ugh, he looks like a dirty assed redneck” and when I hear women go on about how hot he is I get all Micheal Bluth “her?” about it. Because smelly redneck is not a hot look to me.