
With the slight hint of pee.

The Goonies house, apparently, has signs hanging warning people to keep the eff out. It’s so ridiculous. Like you said, take your photos and get on with your life! Breaking in?! Renting cranes?! Come on!

I gagged just reading that. I can 100% see that being the case. *gag*

Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, and Jared Leto. I suspect they are just stank from head to toe, breath included.

She might not have but her surgeons sure did.

I think it worked, too. I don’t see any of his comments anymore. I missed most of the fighting and I spend a lot of my time here in the greys for some reason but I saw his initial comment and it was supportive and then I saw this response and I was, like, “ummm....what?”

But it seems silly to me that someone that was

It’s so hard for me to quit a book altogether as I’ve slogged through the beginnings of some that then turned into something really interesting and good and then I’ve slogged through others that never ever ever weren’t a slog but by that point it was too late and I had to see it through.


Who knew that becoming great again would be so hard on our well being.

A glass of milk is, of course, required with the chocolate peanut butter brownies. mmmmmmmmmmmm

I just love the pairing of chocolate and peanut butter so much that I’ll just instantly throw a large spoon full of peanut butter or peanut butter chips into any chocolate snack I make.

My bf and I don’t really take V-day too seriously but we’ll usually do a little something nice for each other. Our usual routine is to take turns each Wednesday cooking dinner for each other (we don’t cohabitate) so V Day is his night to cook and he’s making one of my favorites, which is just a nice recipe he got from

Like, I want all of the dirt on all of these assholes. I just don’t want it from her. She’s burned all goodwill that most people I know may have had for her, which wasn’t much.

HA!! No. I’m just a wee delicate flower, I guess? (unless tacos are involved...)

I don’t eat ice cream super often, really. Unless, cliche alert, I get a huge craving during PMS or my period.

This is how I do it.

The lack of self awareness and level of denial in these people is staggering.

These sound delicious. Instead of nuts I’d add peanut butter to swirl around or peanut butter chips with the chocolate chips.

Waited too long to be able to edit with the video link...

“Baby I’m A Star” by Prince. That song gets me ready for the gym, gets me into the mood to clean the house, etc.