
I was married super young and while I felt like it worked at the time, I wish I would have insisted on separate accounts with a joint account for household bills and necessities. I was the voice of reason, he wanted to have all of the things, and I got tired of always saying no and then we had way too much debt too

I dip Doritos in french onion dip. It’s disgustingly delicious and I’ll never stop.

And I guarantee you the parents that give those names are the same racist assholes that used to speak out against “black names.”

Thank you for the confirmation! I wish more people knew/understood this. I wish more doctors’ billing departments would be that honest/forthcoming with the patients. I’ve tried to explain it to people I know when they express fear of medical bills and they’re putting off tests so they can save up some money. The

When I went to check into the hospital for my fibroid removal I had to pay a percentage of my bill before they’d even take me to pre-op.

Fruity Pebbles. I absolutely have to give up the Fruity Pebbles and eat a real damn breakfast. Or dinner.

Well, you convinced me and I bought one. When my diet begins to consist of only skillet brownies I’ll blame you.

This is awesome to read as I’m planning a visit this year!

So, if Jesus already gave us our flu shots but she still acknowledges that some people have the flu....ummm....I lost the logic there. I’m not sure what she’s trying to say. Likely because it’s real dumb.

So that pretty much sounds like the justifications of a man that has had some sex with some minors.

He owned an operated a revenge porn site. He’d take down the photos if the women sent him a request and anywhere from $250 to 500. So, he’s all sorts of MAGA. /s

In years past I’ve seen a Girl Scout troop just outside the gate of the Phoenix Open, which I thought was genius. Drunk people that have been watching golf all day were buying like hotcakes! But this year they were not there. I’m not sure if that’s due to the PGA or the Girl Scouts, either way it was a bummer and a

Oh, crap! I had my Dad in town starting the first and we were on the go the whole time and I totally forgot about push ups.

Yeah, I was all “Shit. I’m not a woman.” Because Dorito fingers are tasty and gimme those bottom of the bag crumbs, please.

THIS is what my Dad said. He asked me old he is and I told him and he then replied “Then why is he trying to be a teenager?”

So, is a finsta the same thing as a user having a “spam” account. Like, they use their regular (rinsta?) ID but with spam at the end (for example: TheAndreaSpam)? My niece has one and it just seems like sillier photos than her regular Instagram feed.

I’m pretty sure it’s better for your 14 year old to learn about sex in this positive type of manner than the alternatives like porn, weird “facts” from his friends, or just figuring things out on his own in an unsafe manner.

I said to my Dad... “What does MLK have to do with selling an effing Ram truck?!” Not cool, Dodge...not cool.

It was so boring. And the sound was terrible. And the Prince homage was gimmicky and just left me pissed off because of the reasons listed in this article and, again, it not feeling genuine. Simply being in Minneapolis does not mean you’re obligated to do a Prince tribute, folks. You need to mean that shit.

Oh, I know that feeling all too well! I wound up going to the ER after one bout because “Maybe this really is a heart attack!” Ugh. So sorry!