
Thanks! Good luck with your barium swallow. I hope you’re not experiencing anything too uncomfortable!

I was at the game and, for once, was really following the action so I was looking right at him when that happened. Legs and ankles are not meant to bend that way. It was brutal and I feel horrible for him.

Other than not yet being able to burp (hiatal hernia repair with fundoplication) I’m doing great! Ready for things to go back to “normal.”

I’m in!

I have a reasonably good paying job, great credit, and very low (interest free) debt and yet I have, like, $30 in savings. Why? Because I had the audacity to need two surgeries and multiple tests and procedures last year. Wiped me out. I’m LUCKY and I know it that I could cover it all and not go into debt but dammit

Does it have notes of bitterness and desperation? /s

As a person that takes a camera everywhere I go and pretty much always have since I was 12 or so (45 now), funerals were never ever included in that. It’s tacky. Why don’t the youths understand what tacky is?

I’ve made it widely known that I want to be cremated, planted with a tree, and the Humpy Dance must be played at some point. Don’t be sad, my life has been great and it’s all fine.

Holy shit those dudes you work with sound lame! I’m sorry you have to hear that crap. Bleah.

I, too, am a 45 that doesn’t really look or act my age. But I’m open with my age because who gives a shit? So it was on my profile and he knew how old I was when he contacted me so WTF?! He was the last straw with the whole Tinder experience. (This was more than 3 years ago, though. I met my bf on PoF almost 3 years

I’m “old” (I guess) and I Tindered and it was fucking terrible. The dudes were lame. One dude in his 20s contacted me and called me sweetheart or some lame term of endearment and all I said in response is “Shouldn’t you get to know me first?” and then he was all “I don’t want to know your old assed pussy. You probably

I’m pretty sure I fell on my face just reading about it.

Those examples would all have the proper certification documents to prove that the animal is, in fact, a service animal.

During my stint working for a foster care agency one of our approved foster families had guard dogs.

My photo files. I create a folder for each year. In the year folder I have a folder for each month where all photos taken with my two cameras are dumped. The ones that are edited go into an edited folder. If the photos are from my phone there is a folder called Phone. There is a folder called “Not my photos” for

A spicy chicken and black bean enchilada.

She is ridiculously pretty.

I received an email that they cancelled my order. :/

I received an email that they cancelled my order. :/

I’ll just not watch it. I’ll dust my furniture instead. This is what it’s come to. I’d rather dust my furniture. And watch Psych episodes on Amazon.

They just cancelled it...

They just cancelled it...