
Right? And, like, I need to be prepared to have to walk from a garage, etc, to the venue and some of the streets are one way and I have to be able to plan and OMG just tell me where to park!!! *breathe*

There have been two episodes of “Grey’s Anatomy” that used silence and/or distorted sound to convey a character’s emotion/state of mind and people complained about the sound being “screwed up.”

I have anxiety going into new places/situations and that can manifest as “where will I park?!” So if I can get that question answered easily and satisfactorily it takes a lot of pressure off of me and can deal with the rest of the anxiety way easier.

I didn’t! I think I didn’t hear about that one until it was already gone from the theatres. Do I need to seek it out?

Stop with the remakes. Stop with the Avengers. The trailer for that Infinity movie is TOO MUCH! Too many characters, too much action, the 3D preview was too much 3D in use, too much noise. IT’S TOO MUCH.

I want originality. I went to see “The Disaster Artist” yesterday and while it’s a movie about the making of a

I was also “bullheadedly committed to my own solitude” and had convinced myself that I was happy and fine just on my own. Until I realized I was actually just on hold, waiting for my life to happen to me instead of making my life happen.

This. Once I was truly and honestly happy and pleased with myself and my life and not just sitting around waiting for my life to happen...I decided to try dating again and I met just the best guy and we have so much fun.

I’ve never done a thing to my brows. Ever. I make sure they’re all laying in the same direction and that’s about it. I may have plucked about three hairs from them over my life. I don’t understand all of the attention people pay to their brows. Especially the plucking them to oblivion trends that are the followed by

I have always loved a damn cardigan. In high school I wore funny t-shirts with a cardigan over it. In the ‘80s. I still do that shit today. Because it’s the best. Dresses and cardigans. Everything with cardigans.

I didn’t grow up with the ‘nog so I didn’t try it until a few-ish years ago and it left me underwhelmed, if I recall. I didn’t hate it, I didn’t love it. So I’ve not tried it again.

This is only the second time in my life I’ve even heard of people putting cheddar cheese on pie! Where does this happen?! Why are they doing this?!

I’d LOVE to be able to buy that house!

Once again I’d like to offer my suggestion to the folks in Hollywood:

I’d discovered personal blogs and Flickr, ended my marriage, moved out on my own for the first time ever, and started planting the seeds of friendships that I still have to this day!

It’s done in areas without a large human population, though, as in Alaska or even in WV with the deer. The deer are simply over populated and they run out of food, the herds become sickly and it’s more of a danger to the long term health of the deer than being hunted is. It’s humane to hunt in those instances rather

When announced to the class they could all stare blankly, look around the room at each other, then say “Who?”

Facebook already thinks my sister and my niece look like me so no way am I allowing this.

I have no doubt that is part of their plan in regards to the tax cuts for middle income brackets that will expire. They’ll expire when, likely, Dems are in charge. People have short memories and will absolutely believe that the Dems are doing this to them.

I think Connecticut announced the same today.