
Best thing:
Trip to Spain
55in 4K TV for under $500
Calamine lotion to relieve the itching from my allergic reaction to surgical tape

Worst thing:
So many of the tests my dr. put me through when all he needed to do was a @#$%$% endoscopy because it was already documented that I had a hiatal hernia and COMEON MAN!!!

I’m on steroids and therefore not feeling eloquent....


I know personally there’s not. Since May I’ve been sick as a dog, had two surgeries, missed Thanksgiving with my family, spent a lot of money on medical bills, and on and on and on and on.

In my mind, they are in a galaxy far, far away so perhaps space and atmosphere and physics and everything simply works different there. And? It’s not hard to let go of things if you just accept that movies aren’t reality, man.

I know! It’s almost like I forgot what I was watching. I can say, however, that after a second viewing the humor didn’t jump out and seem out of place any longer! In fact, I walked away from the second viewing enjoying the movie so much more.

Yeah, man. It was distracting. People can’t help how they’re shaped, lord knows I’d get rid of my barrel shaped torso if I could, but I was all “Why does that look so weird to me? What is going on here? Is his head just too small? Is he just too broad? Stop it, he can’t help help, barrel chest.”

The most divisive part of the new movies for me is the cheesy one-liners. This movie is so much deeper and darker in tone than “The Force Awakens” and the one liners just seem out of place and out of character. There’s room for them, but keep it to the characters that it makes sense from and reduce the amount.

It is going to rule. It’s like this whole other world under there!! The preview alone was amazing!

I work in a small office and there’s gossip that goes on that I may not even hear about until months or, a few times, years later! Not everyone is in the know, it’s easy to stay out of the know.



Makes perfect sense and it usually the type of answer/response I receive when this topic comes up. People try to “push it” on me as a way to have “me time.” I’m a child free woman that does not cohabitate with her boyfriend. Most of my time is me time so that’s not a great sell for me. :) (and no, I don’t feel like

I think it’s the association of that fabric with dance/figure skating/gymnastics type costumes. At least that’s what it is for me...

Perfect, thank you! I’ll expand my search.

Since we’re talking about bras here I have needs!

It’s totally true!

You could be 100% talking about my boyfriend’s little rat terrier mix. He is now on a special diet thanks to his time “in the wild” after being abandoned by his previous family.

The dogs of today cannot fend for themselves and they, literally, WANT to be our friends. I’m all for organizations that actually work to

Seriously. The way his mouth moves has always disturbed me. Always. On a visceral level.

Those photos will haunt my nightmares.