
This! I cut out processed foods and all added sugar from my diet and didn’t count calories or avoid fat and lost 12 pounds in a month! Sugar is far more an issue than fat.

I’m sad that my beloved Muppets had to be associated with her but I also know that my beloved Muppets are kind creatures that accept everyone’s differences.

That’s a beagle! I LOVE hearing the beagle sound. There is a local beagle rescue here and they do an annual event and I’ll go just to be surrounded with beagles and hear them all bay and howl and bark.

I’m convinced nobody understood what it was actually saying so it was pushed through. That or a rogue staffer summarized it in a vague manner so they’d sign off on it.

I had a Beagle when I lived in Virginia and a nice yard with trees and, of course, squirrels.

This is how I feel a lot of days. A bit fat, sorta stuck, and having a blast anyway.

One time I was walking on a path in a camping park and one of these fuckers stalked us. It was legit off putting.

Motherfucker is the word that popped to my mind.

What a fucker.

Our desks should be friends.

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that uses the MagLite security system.

Well, yeah, I get that. But since I’m a woman that doesn’t enjoy cooking and didn’t really learn to do it well until after I was divorced for a few years, that’s where I’m coming from. Not from a “men should only cook if they enjoy it” place. Everyone should be able to cook, yes. But everyone doesn’t enjoy it.

The headline and photo just made me picture the cast of Zoolander in a brawl and now I can’t take anything seriously for the rest of the day.

So, people are still acting like men don’t regularly cook dinner? Or have I just been unusually lucky to be in long term relationships with men that not only enjoy cooking but also do so really well?

I never have...

OK, glad to know I’m not crazy, then. But holy fuck do these assholes need a refresher course in biology.

Trump’s is dumb and it’s dumber to pay $16k for it.

So, just to make sure I’m remembering my biology correctly....doesn’t the fertilized egg also have to attach to the uterus first? Like, aren’t there many many many times unbeknownst even to ourselves that a fertilized egg is actually expelled during menstruation due to its failure to implant?

I’d like to see, instead, the production go on. Without Keven Spacey. I’d like to see all of these things handled like that. Why punish the crew, the cast, and all others that are in the job and just replace the problem? The problem is one person. Get rid of the one.

Oh my gosh! I’m so glad they figured out what is going on with you and good luck with whatever treatment plan they come up with for you. Fingers crossed!