
I have a mystery medical condition at the moment that my doc is having a hard time getting to the bottom of and I, somewhat not really seriously but kinda, wonder if it’s not Trump related. I tried to avoid social media and took news alerts off of my phone to see if I’d notice a difference and I didn’t. But, I can’t

Bob asking if the map Will drew was for hunting hidden pirate treasure!

I can’t help but think that Kellyanne is being a mean girl, like, “Can you believe she actually dressed up? What a nerd!” I don’t know why I assume that. Other than they all appear to be garbage people with garbage attitudes.

Shit...there were parts of the path I’d be nervous hiking on. Damn!

Except it would make me panic a bit when we are in full clouds and I can see that they can’t see. Yes, I know they have instruments and I can accurately assume they can’t see since I can’t see but knowing it for sure is too much for me. Signed, the nervous flyer.

Every time, yes. I get super dizzy feeling, my hands get all clammy, my ears start to ring, and then tunnel vision starts to set in and I usually have enough time to say “I’m gonna pass out!” before I pass out. If I’m alone, I usually have enough warning to get myself safely to the floor and that can usually stop me

Anytime I’ve fainted I’ve been able to at least say to people around me “I’m about to pass out” and then I proceed to do just that.

As a person that has passed out a few times in her life, some of which were due to heat, this really seems a lot more serious than an overheating and I hope she gets that looked at.

Like, I can understand people not liking or agreeing with some of Obama’s policies and choices. But to act like he’s some sort of antichrist that wants to watch the US burn after seeing how he acts around his family and other people’s kids?! How?! Those people just wanna be mad because there is no way you can watch

That is fascinating! And creepy.

The movie comes out early next year!

I rewatched the first one because I hadn’t seen it since it came out and I was pleasantly surprised to find/be reminded that it was a fairly interesting premise. Then my boyfriend and I went to see Jigsaw over the weekend and I didn’t hate it. So, I went home and watched Saw 2. Umm...that was boring and dumb and now I

I just read up on them. That sounds plausible, other than I don’t have the screaming and thrashing. It’s more like I’m unable or unwilling to move at all for fear of drawing attention to myself. It’s very odd and very scary when it happens.

“Look At Me” was definitely creepy but I find it completely unbelievable so that takes a bit of the creep factor away for me now. At first, though, it creeped me the eff out.

Same. Country music is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I cannot.

Stuck with live music on a plane? No.

I’ve not noticed any sort of trigger for mine but it is always spiders. Except for the one time it was a face hugger from Alien that I “saw” on the wall beside my bed. That one sent my entire family running to my room to save me from the murderer thanks to my blood curdling screams. My Mom was not impressed with me.

I’ve gotten a lot better at quickly understanding it was a “dream” or whatever but for a long time I would jump out of bed and start running or tearing the bed apart looking for it or just screaming as if a murderer was in my room. Now I just get startled, turn on the light, look around and say “it’s not real, it’s

Yours is so scary I told people about it!

I’m a mostly side sleeper and while I’ve never had sleep paralysis, I have had experiences where I and suddenly awake but immediately feel terrified, my heart is beating very fast, my muscles feel like they are engaged, and my ears start to ring and I refuse to open my eyes out of fear of what’s going on in my room.