
Same. The thought alone gives me the creeps.

Me, this year: Became paranoid that I have a brain tumor, stomach cancer, eye damage from accidentally looking at the eclipse, early onset fear of driving

I had to teach a grown ass person how to use a ruler about 10 years ago. A RULER!

I don’t know what a Tinsley Mortimor is but that name sounds like the name of a rich, bratty, villain type character in a teen demo movie/book/tv show.

Yep. Even when I was way too skinny at 115lbs I had a belly pooch. I am just built to have a belly pooch no matter what. And that’s fine.

Unfortunately, I’ve known a lot of shitty women that do, in fact, play games and string dudes along. (I’m a woman)

I thought durian fruit was universally understood to be the most disgusting taste in the world.

It honestly looks like Chris is the only one actively engaged in it. She’s just sort of there, with her eyes open. Like she’d rather be doing anything other than having him kiss her.

The Red House, starring Edward G. Robinson is EXCELLENT!

I hope he won’t be able to find a single woman that will perform with him on that stage. Not as a dancer, not as a backup singer, not as a duet partner, not as anything at all.

I dunno. My two previous dogs cooperated fairly well when the smaller one wanted the bigger one to get food off of the counter for her.

If your amazing woman and marriage is that amazing and you miss the physicality of that relationship....Skype sex? Find ways to be sexy together while apart. Shit. This isn’t rocket surgery.

This happens all the damn time. “She’ll come around!” seems to be a common belief.

When I take my dog hiking, she has happy face. It is quite a bit different than just “resting and panting” face. If you pay attention to your dog you know their different faces. And my girl has a definite happy face and it gives me happy face, too.

My dog gives serious side eye and no researcher will ever tell me any different. She has an attitude and knows how to use it.

What a lovely photo of the two of them.

Thank you for sharing this, for a variety of reasons.

Hi, woman here. While I am in a great relationship now, it wasn’t always my experience. I had horrible experiences meeting men or trying to get people interested. I’m not ugly, I don’t believe, but I’m not one of those women who can go sit in a bar and wind up meeting somebody. So, it’s not a cake walk for all of us

I don’t know if I would say most but I would say the loudest complainers are often seen complaining about people on welfare wasting “my tax dollars!” and bullshit like that. “I don’t work hard all day long so some lazy loser can buy lobster with MY TAX DOLLARS!”

So, yeah, there are some people that don’t lump in all

I grew up in a really small county and the library system had a book mobile that would travel to the smaller schools that didn’t have a library on site and the smaller communities that didn’t have a branch and the poverty level was high.