
Right? The rest of the breast is there. The size, the shape, all of it! But no nipples. It’s so weird.

That was me for YEARS!! I’d see him in anything at all and go “Oh, shit...Candyman!!” But I finally shook that.

Poor Tony Todd. I’m sure he’s a very nice man but he was too good/scary in that role.

Absolutely! And that fear says with me and I won’t even listen to people say incantations like that when a mirror isn’t even present! hahaha! On The Black Tapes Podcast, I turned down the volume when they played the ‘unsound’ in case it would curse me. I’m a loon, apparently. heh!

You can do this with Google maps on any device, too. A friend of mine did this as he moved across the country so we could know his progress. It’s QUITE handy.

I haven’t ever rewatched Candyman because it scared me so much the first time!

The still on “Hush” up there is enough horror for me, thanks. The thoughts of someone creepy staring in my windows is terrifying as fuck to me!

This still is enough to scare me. The thoughts of something creepy looking into my windows is effing terrifying!

Exactly. Hell, I’m on this site daily and I didn’t know about this stuff. I don’t follow Hollywood gossip that closely and I’m just some schmo. Like, the Kardashians are everywhere and with the exception of Kim I couldn’t tell you who was who or anything about them. Because you only know what you pay attention to.

It’s the same reason they have to tell themselves, and you, that you’re gay, uptight, or in a relationship already when you have no interest in talking to them. No, it just means your personality sucks, now move along and stop telling me that I’m a lesbian that just needs a dick in my ass so I’ll loosen up anytime I

I couldn’t even finish The Babadook. I was too busy being bored and creeped the eff out simultaneously. The parts I did see stuck with me and I am mad I ever tried to watch it.

I grew up in WV and I have had several other WVians tell me stories of seeing a Sasquatch type being in various forests around the state. I’m gonna go ahead and put your story in that category.

This is the scariest shit I may have ever read.

Right? I did most of my growing up in the ‘80s and I remember asking why I couldn’t join the Boy Scouts and debating with my dad about women doing whatever job they had the ability and desire to do!

I have lots of friends that are men, co-workers that are men, people that provide services to me that are men and not one of them has been in appropriate despite them being men and I being a woman and us spending time alone together.

The Penpal series of episodes from The No Sleep Podcast freaked me right the hell out. Good stuff.

Years ago when I was in my early-mid twenties my husband and I lived in a townhouse with our dog. One day the dog and I were walking through the living room about to turn into the dining room/kitchen area when he, my dog, stopped dead in his tracks with a slight jump then he slooooooowly started backup up until he was

Same! Even though they fuck me up and creep me out!!

I’ve had zero issues as well. When I say that I’m usually told “Yes you have.” and I’m all “No, I haven’t.” And they continue to tell me something to the effect of “you just didn’t recognize it.” Umm...ok? As far as I can tell, since I’m apparently dumb, I have not experienced sexual harassment on the job.

That polka dot dress all day long!!

I have a mystery GI ailment that I’m having test after test after test for. But what if you’re on to something here and I’ll never feel good or be able to eat again until Trump is no longer in the White House?! I can’t even eat tacos to give me joy!! Fucking hell.