
I just totally adore her. Completely.

I am so distressed that the headline didn’t incorporate RoUS. Such a missed opportunity.

Is there any truth to the report that he’s making evacuees sign promissory notes and hand over their passports as collateral for transport out of PR? Because if so, fuck that guy way more than usual.

I’m not alone! Well...I didn’t hate the original, but I didn’t love it. I don’t understand why it’s said to be one of the best SciFi movies in the world.

Great, another book series to read!

I just do not understand my fellow Americans. I remember very clearly watching this and the incident happening and my going “Wait...was that her boob?” my (ex)husband saying “...maybe?” then us totally forgetting about it altogether.

Exactly. If my sister came to me at 20 and told me she was pregnant by somebody she’s dated for a minute I’d be totally less than pleased and she’d hear all about it.

Nah. It’s all just different levels of not-normal, which makes it normal in the grand scheme. You just feel that yours isn’t normal because she’s yours and, by comparison, the rest of ours’ seems not so bad.

Exactly all of this.

Well, attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder and all of that. Because to me this look seems forced, unnatural, and on a lot of people quite silly.

If they really feel that way, then that’s their prerogative and all of that. But to me it looks weird and silly. But if they feel happy and confident, then keep on with the prune, I guess!

I just want to go back to the late ‘70s/early ‘80s and hang out at First Avenue during Prince’s time there. I don’t need to be lofty in my goals, I’m a realist. Let me dance the nights away.

I graduated high school in 1990. I don’t think we did anything like this. We just smiled. Just smiling is nice!

While bitching about the lack of respect being shown for the American Flag while, quite likely, owning some type of apparel that has the American Flag printed on it, which, according to the “Flag Code” is a huge no no.

I’m gonna keep calling it dumb.

Not to mention that weird way they hold their mouths like they’re being caught mid exhale. What is that?!

I thought that was the case. Like, why are people still working with a known content thief?

Same. They did finally hear from a family friend that somehow has cell service that they are all ok but two of them need daily medical assistance so there is still plenty of concern. It’s been a very stressful time for them not knowing if the family was even alive or not. I can’t even imagine.

I hope your partner

This. We ran around outside all day and if we got thirsty, we drank from the hose. Spoiled assed kids of today.

13/10, a h*ckin good dog. Would give many treats and pets.