
This is going to sound rude but it’s actually me being curious....didn’t Mariah used to have a neck? Like, is this a thing that happens to us as we get older? Do we lose neck length? Or has she always been a member of the short neck club and photography and youth fooled me?

I’m not a fashion person by any means but I’ve always felt that those ‘90s Super Models were IT in every way. When I think sexy, I think of them. So this is awesome.

That’s always my questions. Who is slowing shit down to even notice these things?! And why?

My favorite phrase! :)

I think that was Tragic Kingdom. Return of Saturn is about her relationship with Gavin Rossdale.

Find things that interest you to listen to on the commute, don’t just listen to the radio. Podcasts or audiobooks are a great use of that time. Take a walk each evening out in the world or devote time to reading a book or anything at all that interests you in the evenings. It’s all going to be unique to you. But for

This moment was TV perfection!!

Who would even notice that? I doubt a kid would. And if they did, why can’t you say “Well, kid, that’s a crude drawing of a penis.” What is so wrong and scary about that?!?!

I realized this “life is not that short” business when I did the math of my life. Like, I’m only 45. But I went through 22 years or more of school, worked one job for 14 years, had a 12 year marriage, am in a 2 year relationship now, been in another job for 8 years, lived in one state 23 years, another for 14, my

I justify my 3 - 5 visits a year with “well, they support adoption.” And even if they only support traditional family style adoption, it’s still children finding homes and after working for 14 years for an agency that worked with that demographic, I’m all for it. Kids finding homes is good stuff.

Yes. Moved to Arizona from an area with Five Guys. “In n Out is better!” and blah blah “In n Out is the best burger on the planet!”

Yeah, there are some folks that don’t really get it until they experience it in person. Like, one of my friends didn’t really get it until she was with me when I spotted a medium sized wolf spider and become obsessed with making sure it was killed and can we kill it and where did it go are you going to kill it please

I’ve moved to Arizona and I’ve seen rattlesnakes, no biggie. I get scorpions in the house, meh, whatever I’ll squish them. But I KNOW that if/when I encounter a tarantula on a hike I’m gonna fall off of the damn mountain.

Of course!

It had been a long while since I’d smoked/ate weed and wasn’t fully aware of how strong it’s gotten. Decided to make some brownies, put too much pot in, wound up too high to move or talk because I didn’t want anyone to know. So I just sat there trying way too hard to be normal, which of course made me seem high as

While, also basically, implying that their consituents will simply vote for them again because “well, we repealed the ACA (“ObamaCare”) like we said we would!”

I threatened to block a friend for doing that bullshit. IT’S NOT FUNNY!!

RIGHT?! Ask me, “I have a molted tarantula skin with me. I thought it would help you to look at one. Would you like to do that?” Not sneak up behind me and put it in my effing face.

I had to threatened to straight up block one of my friends on Facebook* for constantly posting spider videos and photos on my effing timeline. They finally stopped.

Co-signed, the person that is arachnophobia level afraid of spiders and has had a “friend” place a molted tarantula skin directly under her nose from behind as a way to “help.”