
His movies are always really well made, like I can appreciate that much. But I have a natural level of anxiety already that is not compatible with actually being able to enjoy the experience of watching them. Which, is another sign that he’s great at what he does; I just can’t deal with it.

I sort of feel like this is true of a lot of his movies.

This is why I just do not enjoy his films. I already have anxiety, I don’t need it provided to me.

I moved across the country about 8 years ago. I’m gonna say it took me about 5 to make some really good friends. I picked up a new hobby, found some groups on Meetup that were into that hobby (hiking), and then blammo! Now I have a nice group of friends. A group of us from the Meetup group took our group and started

When I was a teen I still went to the local State Park’s pool daily, then went to a family friend’s “farm” on Saturday night for cook out, motorcycles/go-carts, and general fun times.

Just when I thought the daily news couldn’t get any shittier!

This is the funniest shit (no pun intended) I’ve read this week!

This happens to me, too, when I’m not traveling alone. Until it builds up and then EVERYBODY WATCH OUT!! because now it’s worse than if it just allowed me to poo daily as I should.

At least once a year I read something online about skin care or how to do makeup and I think “I really should do that!” and then I spend lots of time researching and, sometimes, shopping for the products that my in the moment brain thinks I’ll actually wind up using.

This is fantastic!

Me, too. Like, who left that movie feeling bad for him?!

My first date movie was “Tombstone” with what turned out to be my future ex-husband. I don’t blame the movie, though. That movie is a treasure.

I’m glad I’m not alone.

It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s simply the employees taking it upon themselves to report them instead of it being some set policy. There are some racist assed people around Phoenix.

I’m actually not sure but I think she did coordinate something like that.

Same. I make a nice one with chorizo, onions, and red peppers then a bit of sour cream on the top.

Yup, and we only know that after his death. He just wanted to do good stuff.

It’s entirely possible that some of them did. Some celebrities do things quitely, without notice, as we found out over and over in the months after Prince’s death. Some people just want to quietly do good things.

My first thought on seeing the photo was “if a woman can be called a douche, then this is the woman.” So, I believe homeless guy based on my gut judgment.

As I was brushing my teeth yesterday my mind wandered to the future. This is what happens while I do mindless tasks, I just let the mind go where it wants.