
The previews just made it seem like not even the Muppets so I didn’t even give a try.



All peanut butter in dessert lovers welcome!

Raspberry or blackberry jam or gtfo, I say! I never had grape on a pb&j. Never!

I’ll be on the look out for that. I’ve been trying to find the natural version of their chocolate and peanut butter to no avail!

I’m in the southwest and have it!

I did the Whole 30 a few years ago and got into the habit of reading labels. I shop more at Sprouts than ever and find a lot of pretty good stuff at Costco that doesn’t have added crap. But, while doing the Whole 30 I learned how to cook and enjoy it. Not to mention my boyfriend loves to cook, too, and leans more

Oh, of course!

Absolutely! And it’s not hard to make it at home, too. With all natural, no fake sugar nonsense.

Oh, anything sweet that I can eat after a meal is a dessert. Since I don’t need much. You and my boyfriend are in agreement with the peanut butter in the brownies and ice cream. And I find you both to be so very wrong! *slams other door*

Yup. Any sugar alternative I just side eye. They have weird after tastes to me. I avoid buying things with added sugar that don’t need it now but if a product needs it, like ice cream, I’m going for the real deal. I can get all natural ice creams without weird texture or stevia involved.

But...Turkey Hill has a line of ice cream, as does Haagen Dazs, that is all natural and looks, tastes, and is real ice cream. Same when I make mine at home. So, it is possible to have ice cream that is all natural.

My brownies, ice cream, and Reese’s all disagree!

It was recommended to my boyfriend as a healthy ice cream and he sent it to me as we’re always looking for ice cream that has more natural ingredients but is still, you know, ice cream. When I read the ingredients I was not impressed. At all. Reading this review has solidified my stance that I’ll never buy this.

When I saw this earlier this morning my first thought was “I think I need to just accept that I just don’t care that much about Beyonce.” and it felt nice.

It’s like he’s complimenting someone on a race horse or a pure bred dog or some shit.

It must be a slow celebrity news day for People to even suggest this as an act of aggression.

My mentor was dealing with prostate cancer and chose to not talk about it at work and devised quite the cover story for his health issues to throw us all off course for fear of being forced to retire. And we’re not even in the entertainment industry! So, this isn’t just a woman thing.

Here’s one: