
I had that, too. I had all of that look. Except my hair was a bit more mushroomy with bangs.

She’s the only thing I could relate to here.

You should have seen the hair. My hair was a big mess of poof. I went with a theme, apparently, and stuck with it.

My junior year I wore a dress very similar to this one but it was red and was cocktail dress length, if cocktail dress length means just below the knees:


I worked for an agency that worked with families such as this and it many cases, despite the mom truly not having any redeeming qualities, supervised visitations were granted. Usually, however, I think it was for the sake of the child. It’s heartbreaking to see but that mother/child bond can be really deep even when

There seems to be a lot of weird attacky behavior from bears this season. My only guess is that they’re up to date on the news and see all of the bullshit the current administration is wanting to do to their homes.

Congrats on your new gig!!

That’s amazing! Yay, Kara!

I now have a real thing I can point to when I say “I just do not like her.” Before it was just “I just don’t. I can’t explain it. She’s just insufferable to me.” But this I can work with. Don’t be a dick to dogs.



I don’t think so. I truly believe he meant “these people are so dumb that I can literally shoot somebody in public and they won’t stop believing my bullshit.” I feel it was one of his most honest moments.

How much pent up sexual repression do these assholes have if they can’t be around our sexy shoulders and toes without distraction? ffs

And I maintain that he didn’t mean that as a compliment when he said it.

And once you understand that these are all choices....make peace with your choice and stop complaining about things you are choosing to make into “have to dos.” You chose that. Be ok with it.

I don’t round up but maybe I should start doing that. Right now I’ve just had a set amount automatically go to savings and my HSA, I’m snowballing payments so I don’t get used to having “extra” money as I pay off debt and then once it is all gone ( so close, don’t ruin this for me unexpected bullshit) I’ll increase

Yep. I’ve made peace with dog hair and dust as long as the things are where they go. Outside of that I can’t be too bothered as I have other more fun things I’d like to do.

That is the one thing I do. A moisturizer with sunscreen. Whew! :)

I have no idea what I should or should not be doing for my face so I basically just don’t do much of anything at all and most of the time I feel like that’s fine until I read about other people freaking out about not knowing what to do with their face and then I get all angsty about life again.