
Well, true. I know a few folks that have this image of leaving the country as entering some sort of immediate war zone where everyone is trying to kill you all of the time.

Oh, I know. I try to get people that are all “ISIS!!! AAAAHHH!!!” to listen to facts about what they should be more afraid of here at home if they’re that set on being afraid of something but...nope. Only ISIS. Dummies.

Same. I live in Arizona and it never makes me feel comfortable or safer to see people out to dinner packing a gun. Never once.

Reading this type of thing that goes on that I know nothing about as I’m not into guns scares me way more than reading about terrorists. Way more.

I was looking at houses to buy and I’m glad I can’t really afford to because they all suck. So many weird angles in them now. Makes so many of them look like they were modeled after double wides. Give me a house with nicely defined rooms and stop with the weird fucking angles.

Right? Just reading about it makes me feel ragey. Like, women really don’t mean anything to him other than “oh, look, pretty. come here pretty thing and let me look at you.”

I’m still wrecked over Prince. He’s dead, Trump is President. For fuck’s sake none of that is right.

Yeah, I likely shop “too young” but when I go in other stores everything looks like my Mom and I’m all “where are the clothes for the fun 45 year old?!?!?” And then I remember they are in my closet in the form of nerdy t shirts and jeans. But I need fun work clothes. And seeing stuff on models that are either very

That’s on my list of suspicions! I was already on Rx Prilosex, though, and now I’m on it twice a day. I have a hiatal hernia so another suspicion is that has gotten worse. Waiting on more tests to be done and, finally, put myself on a bland food diet and now after a day and a half of that I feel much better. Whew!

I have. It’s just not something obvious and the tests thus far have revealed nothing so I’m awaiting more tests.

They did an ultrasound in the ER and the gallbladder looked fine so now I get to do a fun test where they inject me with a tracer and watch via x-ray for about an hour as it travels my system! But, yeah, it sounds like gallbladder but it also feels like something higher up which could be my hiatal hernia worsening

I’m a sucker for not only promotional emails but for posts like this that point me to sales at places I may not have been aware of or things I may not have been aware that I needed.

Right? It’s like they think we just don’t know what’s good in life. Some ladies just prioritize their weight over deliciousness. I try to find a good balance.

To me, the special holiday Oreos have the perfect ration of stuf. It seems to be slightly more than regular but not as much as double. Holiday Oreos are superior Oreos.

So...I’m a woman. And I love chicken skin. But that’s not really my point of commenting.

You Are 36% Gryffindor, 34% Hufflepuff, 21% Ravenclaw, and 9% Slytherin!

A brown hare.

I hate the not knowing who is available thing SO MUCH. Bring back the dots, dammit!

I have the Sign O’ The Times movie and now this DVD that came with the Extended release and...I cried. I have always maintained that if I ever found myself with access to a time machine that I wouldn’t do anything heroic with it, I’d travel back to the 1999/Purple Rain era of Prince to see him live since I didn’t get

Concur. When pressed to list my favorite Prince song that’s the one I name. But only to get people out of my face. How can you even pick one? But best B side? Yes. It is decided.