
And this is where, as a parent, you step in and explain that there is no need to feel bad for simply being white, but it is very nice to acknowledge that being white comes with basic privileges that others do not have. It doesn’t mean we’re happy about it, but acknowledging it goes faaaaaaaaaaaar. Then move on to the

I’ll keep that in mind if it ever crosses my path! Or, who knows, I may seek it out. Shit like that happens sometimes.

I don’t know that I’ve even heard that song. Ever. I keep hearing of it, I just haven’t heard it.

I couldn’t even finish the Babadook because it unnerved me so much!

I grew up on the East side of the country and now I live on the West side of it. I don’t know if it’s just that times have changed and I don’t realize it or if it’s a regional difference but I find way more people out here telling me to “fake it til you make it!” and “smile!” and “stop crying, why are you giving in to

What in the hell am I even looking at?!?!

The daily odes to coffee and wine in my social feeds! We get it! You drink coffee each morning and wine nightly. Please move on to some boring screed now about your health or something, damn.

She is perfection in this role! She can convey so fucking much with just a twitch of her neck!! Just...perfection.

My analysis, which is oversimplified, is that change is hard for folks that grew up and then stayed in small towns. They don’t like outsiders and/or new ideas because life is pretty great. And it was/is/can be! Until it’s not. People trust the coal companies far too much, as well. They say they don’t, but their

Ah! See, I never watched the show so my comment was based on the unionization comment and my limited interaction with a few episodes that lead me to believe it was simply a show about a lower middle working class family.

Oh, Prince. <3

In the ‘80s most working class folks were Dems and stood up for unionization and other “liberal” type issues and are now Trump supporters. Nothing here is really in betrayal of her character. Source: grew up in WV.

I’ve inadvertently upset people that were talking about homeopathic solutions to problems with my involuntary snort as I rolled my eyes. My face just does what my brain tells it to do, you guys. Sorry.  

I really try to be super open minded but when I read shit like

And she’s part of the reason that people like to shit all over millenials. Not all millenials have this bullshit attitude. I happen to know several that are very hard working, forward thinking, aware of finances, and would fit in with any of my Gen X peeps. (I still say cool beans, too, so they may not actually WANT

Sounds legit.

And, unlike the dude in another story that was (wrongfully) sentenced to 19 years over a stolen cell phone (unless there was more to the crime than was reported in that article) IF (big IF) he’s even convicted I bet he gets less than 10 years because that’s how it works and it’s bullshit.

Put her in a lineup in Scottsdale and nobody would be able to pick her out.

This is the point I keep trying to make to all of my younger than I outraged friends. If everything is sexist/racist, then nothing is. Pay attention to context, look at nuances. Save the outrage for the actual sexist/racist bullshit, cause it’s there, so you can continue to be taken seriously.

Yep. There are so many actual things to be outraged about that all of the outrage over all of the things is just exhausting and makes the actual things worth outrage less potent. Not everything needs to be a thing, you guys.