
‘80s kid, here, too. We had so much snow as kids! So much! My Dad will even comment on how they’re not getting snow anymore but then argue with me about climate change!


I wish I understood. I truly do. I understand that it’s a very emotional topic for them and I understand the why behind that, since I grew up there and my family is still there. I get it. But I don’t get the lack of logical, critical thinking surrounding it. Other than emotions and logic are usually not present at the

I hope he’s asked about this in a serious fashion. I hope he’s asked what he considers tyrannical or who, in his mind, gets to be the definer of what is or is not tyrannical.

People are in deeeeeeeeeeeep denial about climate change. Deeeeeep.

Yeah, dude. That shit is 100% despicable. Predatory and manipulative.

Being involved in any type of shooting situation would be terrifying but ten minutes?!?! Holy shit, I cannot fathom.

19 years in jail for stealing a cell phone? Is that accurate?!

When I was on a dating site I was contacted by a man that politely expressed interest and directed me to his profile to see if I thought there I’d have some interest, too. I proceeded to his page and found a very nice and polite profile that just happened to outline that he was quite conservative and did not feel that

What the absolute fuck?! What a deranged bunch of nonsense. It’s illogical and inhumane and....some people will love it, won’t they?

I despise everything about this administration’s agenda. Absolutely despise it. With my entire being.

Skipping breakfast is the worst meal to skip and now I know they are frauds.

I live in AZ and you can pry my Jackie O sized sunglasses off of my sun dried corpse!!


Forced handholding for the cameras.

So, is this a failure of our educational system? A sign of the times with less written communication? Though, that second one I question since professional emails are still a thing. And even with it being a symptom of abbreviated speaking habits, since I also say should’ve, do they not realize they are actually using

I can’t stand it! I know language evolves and all of that but some rules should be hard and fast. This is one. Could HAVE. Should HAVE. I see it from the youngs and I see it from people in my age range (45 so not really an old, imo, but get off of my lawn just in case). They both make me want to scream.

“could of” “should of”


Sorry. But, yeah, she’s an evil little psycho. Damn.

Right? I am constantly amazed at the lack of intervention on these videos! At the very least, give up your place in line and grab a manager or call a damn cop, folks. Don’t just stand there letting this shit be!

What is that saying? “Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law?” Yeah. That.