
Though, I will say, that some words that come out of my mouth have lost the “t” (example: mountains) unless I’m focused on saying it properly and it has more to do with my southern WV accent than anything else.

Before I read the article I was all “Oh, YEAH!! A reason to re-read Flowers in the Attic.” But you guys thwarted me.

They are very good at using language to elicit emotional responses from folks.

My local one won’t be doing a women’s only event but you can bet your ass that WHEN I see this movie, it will be at the Alamo Drafthouse and nowhere else.

How is someone that is only two years older than myself that out of touch?!?! ffs!

It’s even more ironic to realize that the same people that are “fuck you, we’re the best!” are the same ones that bought into the “Make America great again” slogan. Ummm....wut?

Depending on what state you live in, you may be surrounded by areas that are good for day trips or weekend trips that wouldn’t cost a lot!

That’s not an accurate number. It’s 46%, but whether or not all of those with passports use them to travel in another story.

I don’t consider myself to be super intelligent but I do feel that I classify as “smarter than the average bear” here in the states. And I 100% assume that if I, today, went to any country and enrolled in school I’d be deemed a moron.

Yep. And there are far too many stubborn Americans that live and die on the thought of our exceptionalism and refuse to hear anything to the contrary. Which, in the end, is only going to ruin us. (said Captain Obvious of the country that is now being presided over by an orange ignoramus) 

While I tend to assume that all millennials are progressive, forward thinking, and adventurous I have to remember that horrible person Tomi Lahren is, likely, a millennial and there are a lot of them like her and another reason they do not take vacation is, “like, why would I travel outside of my comfort bubble? Like,

“Remember the Time” is my favorite MJ song and today I learned why that is!

Nor do they travel. Nationally or abroad.

Lots of National Parks are in remote areas in red states and see quite a large number of international tourists each year. The small towns outside of the parks thrive on tourists. I suspect they’ll be hit pretty hard by the decrease.

I wonder how many of these men crying foul would, or are already, join up with a men only type establishment like the Moose or Elk lodge?

I am so sad for children right now. I know home schooling and Christian academies are already a thing but I feel with this woman in this position more kids are going to be left behind in regards to important topics like science and history.

I agree. I know and observe a handful of white, female, Trump voters and they are truly the least self aware or reflective people I’ve encountered. So subtle messages go right over the heads and more overt ones they accuse of “beating them over the head with this liberal crap.” I truly do not know how to get people

I have no idea how most white men in this country can twist reality so much to actually have self pity parties, insecurity, and such a skewed view of the world around them. It’s shocking.

I love dogs. I’m all in with dogs. I’m here for dogs. And I thought I would be all in and all here for this show. But the first episode, to me, was just terrible. It didn’t hit the emotional notes for me I thought it would and it felt, instead, like a big, huge bummer.

I find it silly as shit to lie about age but, again, I’m not working in an industry where that matters. But for people to lose their shit over how other people want to live is sillier. SILLIER!