
I hear it’s an issue in the film industry and I’m sure it is for certain people who are assholes that view women that way. I’m not denying that. But she’s saying she’s lost jobs because she’s now viewed as a liar. Now, unless that’s code for “now I’m being discriminated against because of my age due to this crap” I’m

Right. Which is why it’s confusing that the cause for her “losing out on jobs” is, allegedly, based on her now being known as a “liar.”

That was my take away, too. Which is what I don’t understand since “everyone” in that industry is changing their names and fudging their ages due to what everyone else is saying. That she lost jobs because people know view her as a liar.

Maybe I’m real dumb, but in an industry where people are known for changing their names and age is an issue....why would a rumor of someone changing their name and fudging their age BE cause for not hiring them? I don’t understand Hollywood.

Continuing to make people that act like assholes, regardless of age, is only going to ensure we have even more assholes walking around. Why would anyone aspire to be their greatest self if they see assholes ca$hing in?! bleah

It amuses me to hear dudes complain about how “catty” women can be and then later say things like “Ugh, Lebron. I hate that punk. He has a bad attitude.” (or whatever sports dude they do not like.)

I’m not usually in favor of Adam Driver. Until I see him in his Kylo character. Then I’m all for him.

And it’s sad that so many girls (myself included when I was younger and dumber) buy into it.

Yes. I dislike Zac Effron for some reason. I’ve never seen him act or any of this movies or whatever it is that he does. But when I see photos of him, I just think “I do not like this person. There is just something there. Ugh.”

Why the people in this country refuse to listen to the people that actually live in DC and have better insight into the government and the staff or listen to the folks in NYC that had experience with Trump is beyond me. BEYOND.

I encounter very few issues. Because I’m aware of the world and the people around me, I’ve changed my own behavior to obtain the results I want. I go to the very first showing on Sunday mornings when crowds are quite low. I sit in the very top row, smack in the middle. Life is pleasant. Because I’ve made it so,

Yes! When anyone tosses out that “I DESERVE!” argument, I can’t help but roll my eyes. It sounds so spoiled and entitled.

I’m so good at just talking care of myself that nobody around even knows how to deal with me when it gets past the point that I can’t. Mental health is just so goddamned tricky.

You just described me. I wear dresses just so I’m NOT wearing pants. I wish I still had a collection of baby doll dresses to wear. Fuck it, I’m going on the search for baby doll dresses. And a pair of overalls.

I get a lot of shit* for what I’m about to say but I’m gonna say it. I feel that as long as the animals are being farm raised humanely and then also slaughtered humanely, it’s not up to me to tell anyone anywhere at anytime what they can or cannot eat. However, eating a pet? Whatever your pet of choice is? Nope.

If you suspect you may need to check your phone, sit in the end seat? It’s not hard to be self aware enough to position yourself strategically if you have kids/possible emergency situations to check in on during a 2 hour movie.

Don’t send them to my beloved top row! Texting or doing anything on the phone during movies is 100% distracting and I hate it.

I save all of my bacon grease. All of it. So I can make gravy or fry eggs any time I want without actually having bacon if I don’t have any on hand. It would likely work well here, too.

Because it was forgettable.

Yes. This would be great!