
Sloooooooooooooooooooowly adapting. It’s not an adaptation I was at all prepared to have to go through. Dammit.

I spent about an hour last night looking at my home town and wishing they’d actually driven up the street I grew up on (It’s a small town, but come on! They were right there!) and zooming around in Spain where I’ll be visiting to see what it looked like, what’s around it, etc. It’s amazing.

My boyfriend went to see a tribute showing of “Purple Rain” with me and bought me my plane ticket to the Revolution reunion show. Not complaining about the Prince love is a good quality for a boyfriend.

Not alone. I love this movie. Hardcore.

I effing love this movie and I’m not even sorry. It’s silly and goofy and ridiculous and perfect.

He absolutely should be reported. All doctors that do this bullshit should be reported. There’d not be many doctors left in some areas, sadly.

This! I have to show an ID if I want effing Sudafed. Doctors need to remember they took an oath to do no harm and fucking UPHOLD THAT. For fuck’s sake.

The thoughts of him dying there alone in that elevator absolutely devastate me.

Even when I *was* thin I didn’t look good in half of the things people wear. 

Came to the comments to make sure this guy was being appreciated, not leaving disappointed.

Me, too. This week is not going to be great.

Errdamnday I miss Prince. My life was all of the usual things that a person did plus the daily waiting for a new tour to be announced then the daily checking once one was announced to see when tickets would go on sale for whatever show would be closest to me. That part is now gone. Because Prince died and it just

So, my reproductive system that is internal could just fall right out but men’s with the dangling are just fine with all of the jostling? What ever is this nonsense? Why do so few people even understand biology?!

This is so disappointing.

My eyes hurt from how hard they just rolled after a brief visit to a few of his pages.

“I consider myself super attractive and hot but all the other attractive people on the world are shallow and boring. I’m the exception, natch. Call me, average looking people that have, like, you know....interests or, umm...hobbies! Yeah....hobbies. Hobbies are hot. Like me. But not like you.”

The only Princess I’ve ever admired.

My niece is almost 13. I can absolutely imagine her doing some dumbshit thing to impress people, or just impress herself, that could get her injured or killed. Just because they should know better, doesn’t mean they do.

Right? Like, can’t she just go on FB and spew her hateful tirades like a normal hateful person?

I get the impression that some families are just into all of the religious holidays and create a sense of family togetherness around them and the big “fancy” dinner goes hand in hand with that.