
I’ve had people get all weirded out that I didn’t grow up having some fancy pants Easter dinner with the family. Why should Mom spend the day baking a ham? We found all of the eggs and ate the candy, we were fine.

I keep meaning to wear my “computer glasses” when I’m reading a book but forget. I really really really hate how often it’s happening. I’ll try that trick, though, thank you!

I’ve done it with numbers, too. I do not like it.

I frequently wonder if it’s possible to become dyslexic later in life due to all of the things I now misread.

I’m a lark. I go to bed early and get up early and that dress is white and gold and I have never seen it as blue and black unless it was highly processed in order to show me that it’s blue and black.

And for some of us it doesn’t matter if I’m dressed by a friendly local. The second I open my mouth and my light southern WV accent comes out slaughtering the simplest of local phrase pronunciation folks are gonna know I’m not from around there. I learned quickly that the “bless your heart” look is universal when

Yes! Which is why I bought a SUPER comfy pair of Clarks to wear around London. They were as comfy as my usual walking/tennis shoes.

Perfect! Thank you very much.

How do you find their fit? Like, if you wear a 7 in other shoes are you a 7 in these? Some brands have weird sizing.

If it makes you feel any better, I splurged on myself and bought a pair and they are not that comfy. They’re fine for the office but that’s about it. People that claim to wear them on vacation and all day on their feet clearly hate their feet or were paid to lie to me.

It’s really gonna suck to die due to such stupidity. Such avoidable stupidity.

Does that mean that all of us not single ladies are settling? Because I’m pretty sure my boyfriend is pretty great but am I just a skeezer in denial since he buys me dinner sometimes? Now I’m so confused.

I’m pretty sure Cox fought Google to try to stop the fiber rollout in Tempe. It’s been halted.

Wow! And she’s just now 19 and already had that much plastic surgery done?! I find that so sad. Yes, yes, to each their own and all of that. I try to feel that way about all of the things. But I can’t help but feel sad that someone would change their appearance that much.

Is this real? I’ve never watched KUWTK so I honestly have no idea.

No more remakes, please. Or, if we must, remake the things that had potential but fell flat or just didn’t really do the idea or the source material justice. Why remake what is already good?!

I am two people right now. The me that is sympathetic to people sees how very sad and misguided and terrible this whole situation is. The other me can’t stop laughing.

None of my results were me. But a couple were a baby tiger and a hot dog and then I realized Google just understands me.

What even is this? Good lord.

These are the types of suits the ‘gram people wear and women who only go to places one would wear a swimsuit so they can be seen. Like in Vegas and/or Scottsdale. They are not swimming. They are likely not even tanning. They are being seen.