
Yup, I’m fairly certain I had one of those in the ‘80s. In pretty much that color scheme.

I worked with a woman that was surprised when Ricky Martin came out. I was shocked by her shock.

I LOVE him and I’m not even sorry. “I Write the Songs” is glorious.

Is it really just as simple as these people are evil assholes that were born without fucks to give about anything outside of themselves or is it a deeper issue of simply not understanding anything outside of their own life and experiences?

Listen to any true crime podcast (I’s laughable but I’m saying it anyway) and you’ll hear how absolutely incompetent far too many police and sheriff departments are out there across the country without any regulation or checks and balances. Pair that up with the FBI investigation into the white supremacists

I always enjoy that one of the reasons people point out that they are happy to not live in NYC any longer is that people there are too self absorbed/self important/pretentious while the author of said navel gaze is being absolutely all of that.

Some women can orgasm without direct stimulation on the clit.

I grew up in WV and my family is still there. It’s nice to see that it’s not just WVians that cling to the all eggs in the coal basket economy plan while, also, being sad and confusing. What is it about coal that makes these people cling to it so tightly?!

Not everyone can comfortably use a diva cup. Therefore whatever tool they are comfortable using during their period is what they should have on hand. Not everyone can even comfortable use tampons. Vaginas are not one size fits all.

If I recall correctly there was a lot of wing flapping, some extra puppets that would would randomly pop up, and fake rocks upon which to lay the human lady so one could enter her human cave while the other two enjoy her mouth. It was absurd. And weird. And not arousing. But I don’t have a dino fetish. I can now,

Ugh. That’s terrible!

I’m not a parent but I am an adult that relocated across the country and only had two built in friends in the new town. I struggled for about 4 or 5 years to make meaningful connections. But then, I randomly set a goal and had to start working on things to achieve that goal and therefore I had to find people to enjoy

I shouldn’t admit this but what the hell....I once saw a video on a porn site that had men dressed up as pterodactyls and they were sharing one human lady person. It was the oddest thing I’ve ever seen. these types of rules take into account that some women go to abortion facilities for abortions that are medically required due to the fetus being nonviable? Not all fetuses that “die” miscarry properly and sometimes they form outside of the uterus and a procedure is necessary.

When I read comments from ultra conservative type people that are prone to the pearl clutching it just makes me think “You are basically indicating that we should all be afraid of YOU, not the other way around.” Because they 1. believe that men are just lustful beasts that simply can’t enjoy a meal with women they

I’m clearly a shameful slut. I eat meals with members of the opposite sex that aren’t my significant other all the time. And events. Some of which, themselves, are married. Me and my circle of friends are all horny harlots and man whores and should, clearly, be stoned to death.

Did he learn his dance moves from Chevy Chase in the “You Can Call Me Al” video?

When I’m around my non-morning people I keep my cheerfulness down on a no cause for murder level. I know my audience. :)

70s - 80s kid here, my own era, please. I got to see the 8 track turn into a cassette turn into a CD turn into MP3s. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!

I’m a morning people, yes. I’m annoying. But I get all of my annoying chores done way early OR go on a great hike way early and then I STILL have all day to do...whatever! It’s great.