
They are really good. But in that way that engrossing, entertaining things are considered really good.

You’ll go blue in the face getting ANYONE that still lives there to believe any of that for even a second. It’s quite sad.

Flake can fuck right off.

A top coal mining executive said yesterday “Yeah, Obama’s policies fucked us over big time (my note: no they did not) but rolling them back will not bring back coal. It’s the market.” (my note: so was it the market or Obama that fucked coal? Dumbass.)

She can do whatever the fuck she wants.

With a raise I can pay for better vacations than I do currently! Gimme that raise!!

That’s a whole lot of denial going on in one’s head to ever even for a second believe that.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. I bet she giggles about not knowing how to read a map.  

Did you ever use their Almost Makeup? That stuff was my favorite of all time! I have freckles and I like my freckles and that stuff allowed them to show through and I just didn’t feel like I had anything on my face and I loved it. But, like all things I love, it was discontinued and I hated the replacement and gave up

Did you ever use their Almost Makeup? That stuff was my favorite of all time! I have freckles and I like my freckles

I’m so angry that I even know who this person is. Why do I even have to know who this person is?! I live my life avoiding all of this reality and famous for no real reason type nonsense but every so often someone gets through my filters. This is one of those things. Ugh.

It’s so cool and amazing and mind boggling that they used to roam the Earth. When I look at alligators and crocodiles and think about how big they are then realize they are NOTHING compared to dinosaurs. NOTHING! Man. It’s all very cool.

The Final Countdown will forever and ever be associated with GOB Bluth.

While this is my favorite of the animated Disney fucking WRECKED me as a child. Like, crying so hard when I got to my Mom’s seat that she thought something had happened to me. Yeah, mom, something did. ALL OF THE FEELS!!!

So much this. And having a baby with any sort of medical or special needs requires a lot of resources (emotional, financial, etc) that not all people have access to. But, you know, you’re the one that didn’t think about that before you got yourself all knocked up so who cares.

Yup. They, really, only have themselves to blame for their own failures.


I thought that was his plan for everything, though?

After the crushing feeling of sadness with watching him win the election, this feels really good. Real good.

Fake rape allegations are evil. Evil towards the accused; evil for all actual rape victims.