
When I see roosters I’ll sometimes exclaim “COCKS!” because I need that boost.

I see chickens and roosters and goats and horses and donkeys and/or mules on my drive to and from work and I great them all either in my mind or, sometimes, out loud and it truly does provide a spark of joy! “Hey, goats!”

And I just Googled and of course I know who Jake Tapper is but because this was a question of him being hot I was thinking pop stars and whatnots and I’m an idiot. I shall now go obsess over how much of an idiot I am. With box wine. Then go to bed hella early.

I don’t even know who Jake Tapper is so of course I want a raise.

Let this be true, let this be true, let this be true, ohgod please let this be true.

It’s so exhausting. And, yes, I’m a bleeding heart sjw tree hugger. But, comeon, y’all...sometimes a joke really is a joke. Sometimes some of us really are taking ourselves far too seriously. Sometimes it’s ok to just like Zootopia for what it is instead of looking deeper. Otherwise, we should all just stay home and

I’m a divorced lady. Not because of any resentment or things like that. Just a simple we both changed in different ways and ultimately we were no longer compatible.

I was married, then divorced, then single for a nice time, now I have a boyfriend and I’ve told him that if we don’t make it, I’m done. He doesn’t believe me. He should.

That’s how I dice a tomato. I can’t lie.

When I got to that part of the video I said, out loud, “you evil bastard.”

“America has spoken!” is what I’m tired of seeing his supporters say because, yeah, we did....and not for this shit show. Bunch of dummies.

Ryan and his gang: “We shouldn’t waste tax payer dollars on climate change/science/education/arts/anything actually good and right.”

You are not alone!

Right? I cannot use tampons. I feel it in there no matter how I position it and it hurts coming out no matter what size I wear and no way in hell am I putting a cup up there!

I like the thoughts of having a much better way to separate the dirty clothes from the clean than my usual plastic grocery store bag method....but how do these provide you with MORE space than just free packing all your stuff in your suitcase?

I like the thoughts of having a much better way to separate the dirty clothes from the clean than my usual plastic

When I expressed MAJOR concerns about Trump and what would happen if he won, I was told to calm down, I was being ridiculous, that it couldn’t be that bad, checks and balances and the whole damn thing.

Adulthood: Baking a chocolate cake and eating it for breakfast every day until it’s gone and not having one single fuck to give over how ridiculous that might be.

Adult. Because I had a good education and I can use it to form opinions based on facts to draw upon when I contact the minions of this administration to tell them how much they suck.

I still miss him as one misses a friend.