
I know better than this...but I have high expectations for Alien: Covenant. Please don’t be another Prometheus...

How can you not just love Dolly? You can’t.

I’m a fairly average size. But I would LOVE a bikini bottom with a v-dip in the front. Why the hell are they all cutting straight across? Sure, let’s cut us all off in the most unflattering way possible here. Give me a v-dip bikini bottom for the love of all that is holy!!!

Are you me? This is all I want. GIVE IT TO US!!

I had a dog, totally unprovoked and without any warning signs, jump up and bite me on the ass as I tried to walk away from it. I used my “bear scare” technique of turning around and making myself big and confident and ROAAAARING at it like a lunatic. It worked. Not sure what I would have done had it actually attacked

I didn’t have atheist parents. I had parents that never explicitly announced their beliefs. Mom took us to church so we’d have a well rounded experience but then once we indicated we were all good, we didn’t have to go back. Sunday breakfast at granny’s house was way more important to us.

I’m pretty sure mine is half Jack half coyote. She howls at sirens with her head fully thrown back to the sky.

I love this dog!

I have a terrier mix, the vet suspects Jack, and she loves to hike and she has no time for this stopping to sniff and pee on things bullshit. Oh, no. There is hiking to do. She makes me walk much faster than I normally would. She’s a natural trail dog.

Luckily I have a huge backyard and another dog that is FASTER than

Yeah, I don’t think he meant that literally. He was saying his supporters would allow it. He was basically calling them stupid to their faces and it went right over their heads.

Thanks, Greta! You did NOT make me cringe hardcore! <3

Sure. Because people with low incomes or high medical costs or a life don’t need access to a phone ever at all.

I’ve seen so many posts on FB over the past or so that I feel like I’ve been hearing about this thing forever.

Nope. She’s wearing nude underwear under it.

The word “extortion” just came to mind but I think that’s incorrect. But this sounds like the type of strong armed bullshit type of business he’s used to doing.

I’m shocked to learn that she just recently turned 50. I thought, um....I thought she was older.

We sure are getting greater and greater by the day! Look at all of this great.

One of my parent’s dogs ate all of the raspberries off of her bush. Mom thought it was just the birds until she caught her (the dog) red handed.

My Golden LOVED apples. He’d sit in front of me drooling while I’d eat one until I shared.

This was my reaction. And I’m white.