
I just don’t understand all of the legislating of these types of things. So some of the population is against abortion. OK. Then those people can keep on living their life not having one if they become pregnant without planning for that and those that are ok with abortion can have an abortion. Why take shit away from

It’s amazing in the fact that I graduated high school in 1990 and those games and “hand signals” have been around since I was in middle school and, likely, years before.

I do not understand the teens. Or the olders that follow. Or start the trends. Or trends.

And so very tween/teen.

What I find amusing (?) is that the men (usually white) that are in favor of curtailing women’s rights, equality for all, etc. and cry about how hard it is to be a white man in this country now are the same ones that will turn around and get angry at the notion of white privilege. You are literally angry over the

Why so much hate on Smokey the Bear? Who likes forest fires?!

That’s the best explanation I’ve seen. But for me, I work in a predominately woman staffed office, management is predominately women, my boss is a woman, the persons setting my salary are women, and I do IT work. I just feel that in some situations, those messages would be woefully lost. And I feel for the women that

It’s a good show. But the headlines make me roll my fucking eyes. The only time it made me cry was when I had PMS and no chocolate cake in the house to eat while watching. It’s a really good show. Devastating and whatnots? Nope. Not having easy access to chocolate cake is devastating. Losing my dog(s) was devastating.

Have her watch “Deadwood,” too. Oof. Good stuff.

This gif is everything all of the time.

My boyfriend finished The Crown without me. I’ve been pretend mad about it ever since.

Yes! I almost didn’t watch this because seeing the live version was “meh.” But this was something I can appreciate.

What the actual fuck? This dude basically admitted that he feels that the onus of birth control is 100% on the woman and the man can just shrug and say “Oh, well. You pre-knew you were gonna be a host, now host.”

Today I learned that I dance like a bored pole dancer.

I thought they had a blog on their website but my Google-ninja skills seem to be failing me at the moment. However, their FB page is awesome!

I am so happy that Penzey’s is already the majority of spices in my cabinet. It seems that flavor is not the only thing they excel at.

So I, not being a political science expert or anything, was right all along when I said “The government is not a business and this is all nonsense!” during the election when people would say things like “We need a business man in charge!” I shall now follow the leader and proclaim myself a political science expert and

I just do not get the new trend in eyebrows. Or any trends in eyebrows. I’m obsessed with how obsessed some women are with their eyebrows. But this new trend, while better than the plucked into oblivion look, is not great. They all look fake and plastic and some people square them off way too much with pencil and I

All of the right.

Yes. He got my vote for authenticity. He knows how to dress for the snow and he knows how to use his posture and eyelids to protect against it even further.