
He absolutely will and that fills me with rage. The people that support this person the most vigorously are also the ones that claim to be the best at religion. Tremendous Christians. But they’ll give this shit show a pass.

Same. And, yes, I have allergies and would likely benefit greatly from doing the washing of the pillows ever and more frequent washing of the sheets but ugh....I have other things to do, damn!

Both of my dogs are rescues. Both of my dogs are good dogs. They approve of this post.

I see we’re on the same “shit sucks” diet plan. Brownies for breakfast for everyone!

When I was a kid there would be a traveling photography studio that set up shop in the local grocery store (did this happen in other places or is this just another great story of growing up in WV?).

Just when I determine to focus all of my energy on helping to save the environment and the trees and the animals because “ugh, people,” y’all go and show me some “yay, people.”

While I’m not surprised to see this, I am can’t find the right word. The word that keeps coming to me as I read is “this is chilling....” So, yeah.

I’m so glad they want to protect us from all of the bad dudes. I can’t wait until it’s just us Americans hanging out and how safe we’ll be since none of us are ever bad dudes.

It’s hard for me to believe that when I’m surrounded by so. many. conservatives. But the Women’s March really really did help counter-act that feeling a bit.

Come back!

Before I moved here a friend of mine that was helping with the “move to Arizona!” decision kept telling me that I would find like minded people here and I would be so much happier. After moving here and immediately attending a rally to protest the preacher in Tempe that was encouraging his congregation to

I get so happy seeing things like this come out of Arizona. I’m not alone!

So, they’re gonna attack the planet while telling the parks and NASA and scientists from all orgs to just shut up and to help that happen they’ll take away net neutrality and then none of us can get to anything helpful or useful ever again and World Book Encyclopedia door to door salespeople will be a thing again.  

I only watch Grey’s and I’m not sorry! The episode was good but HOLY FUCK I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT ALEX WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?

So, it’s time for me to just start setting shit on fire, then?

This. I have a much, MUCH, bigger issue with this end of it than I do the mens. Yes, I’ve had issues with men in my life. But I’ve had way more issues with women that just don’t get it and have gone out of their way to fuck with me when I’m just trying to live my life, y’all.

That’s one of those alternative fact thingies, right?

The level of insecurity this man exhibits is staggering. My pre-teen niece is more confident than this shit show of a person.

I’m so happy to see that other people love this show! I finally caught up on the finale last night and it totally caught me off guard in the best possible way. Ted Danson at the reveal was perfect!