
This group of people is sooooooo insecure. As they should be. They lost the popular vote by a lot. They saw huge crowds of people come out to march against their proposed policies.

Yep. I liked that aspect of it. United in our diversity. Diversity of backgrounds, diversity of issues that are the most important to us, diversity of age.

SO MUCH HAPPINESS!! I’ve been so sad since the election. So. Sad. I felt like I was surrounded by people that just didn’t get it or feel the same or have the same fears. I attended the march in Phoenix with an estimated 35,999 others and it just made such a difference. Being around people that, yes, are angry but

The creme is way too soft. And the strawberry taste seems to linger. But, otherwise, not as bad as I expected.

I wish news reports/journalists would do much better in pointing out that they are, in fact, just black block kids that are smashing shit because the opportunity came up and that they are not, in fact, part of the legit protests.

So many Oreos. So much cake.

Me, either! I’ve been to DC just a few times and it was on random Saturdays but there was many more people than this. Many. And more.

And in every photo I’ve seen thus far she’s holding her hands like a Barbie or a fem-bot.

I decided, randomly, to get off of my ass and get in shape so I could go see what it looks like at the bottom and did the rim to rim backpacking trip. I camped with friends, enjoyed bright full moon lit sky, and just so much beauty and awesomeness.

I legitimately cry when I see those places. I’ve hiked the Grand Canyon and I just visited Yellowstone last year and, no shit, I cry at how beautiful they are. How anyone can look at them and think “Fuck it, log it all and drill over there and let’s put a casino at the top of that waterfall” is just beyond me.

It breaks my heart to read about the things they want to do around the Canyon. It is truly one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been and I’m feeling more and more lucky to have experienced it.

Apparently, even in the face of nuclear holocaust, I’m an optimist.

I will, thank you!

Having lived near Norfolk and hearing all of the local shenanigans of PETA I have been HORRIFIED by them and try like hell to get people to donate to local animal rescues and shelters if they want to actually help improve the lives of our little buddies.

I sincerely regret ever mocking preppers, even if I did so mildly.

Good luck, stay safe, and counter-act any lies that come out about the Women’s March!

A million times this!!

I didn’t know it was based on a book! Now I’ll just read that and they can throw this movie into turbulent water after they fuck themselves.

Did I legit hear someone say, as they watched the dog actively trying to NOT go into the water “Awww, he wants to go in.”

Fuck it. Let’s just kill everything off and drill and develop and pave and whatever else the fuck we want because money money money money money money money.