
Fuck these people. Seriously. Just fuck ‘em.

Yeah, even when someone is accidentally in the wrong area I KNEW IT and was all “hey, woah, no...move up a bit, please.” Again in this thread I find myself unable to fathom not realizing the difference in my own vagina and butthole.

I can’t even fathom how this would be possible.

You should write a how to live book because you’ve got that shit figured out.

SO MANY groups of people that voted for him are now saying “Wait...that thing he said...that’s going to impact ME? Oh....”

Good lord, I just want to punch people in the face so much these days.

It’s also a whole lot of pink happening. Because, you know, women.

This could then make it ok to use CGI if they need hologram Leia for any reason throughout the movie.

It’s horrifying that I know too many people that actually believe/think/feel this type of nonsense.

Ah!! Again, makes sense. Thank you so much!!

Oh, ffs... “eye” should just be I. Or i, even.

That makes sense, thanks! 

Me, too! I had to scroll up to see what I missed.

And the dot over the eye is a blood splatter.

That one is on my “to make” list! Glad to hear it really is great.

So, dumb what ways do you need to modify a recipe for the Instant Pot? I have several really great recipes that I have and I want to use them in the IP when I get home from the gym to help with my meal prepping but I’m an overthinker and I’ve convinced myself that you can’t just toss in the same

I remember watching that episode and being SO ANGRY at her. Dumbshit like that makes legitimate claims of racism so much harder to take seriously because people just get all weird and dumb about it because of the dumbshits that claim racism over shit that isn’t. She’s a dumbshit and a mean girl. She’ll do great! /s

I wish like hell people understood this.

I likely shouldn’t be, but I am absolutely SHOCKED at how quickly things have turned south. I keep using this word but it’s true, it’s all quite frightening.

So, I don’t want to come off as an ass or anything...this is just something that has always puzzled me. I constantly read pieces like this or social media posts that make it sound as if all women are all the time being cat called or grabbed or harassed on a daily basis. So, does it depend on where you live? Because