
I find that I can just piss men off by knowing things they don’t understand. Basically just the way I live my life pisses off certain men. Lucky for me it’s the type of men I’d not want to be bothered with anyway. But, no, I am not going to act dumb or incapable of doing things just for some dude’s benefit.

According to posts by my super conservative Christian friends, they all care about Israel very much. But not about history or facts so, you know.

Think how much better this country would be if, in addition to finding affordable child care solutions, they also paid teachers a decent salary AND provided a better education.

Paired up with their open disdain for actual journalism this is all frightening as shit.

Just scrolled down to say just this.

I’m ridiculously sad.

Prince dying really hit me hard. And now we’ve lost the best Princess there ever was. This year can bite me.

Yup. Each morning I check the news to see if Carrie and/or the Queen are still with us. :(

I had decided “I will just be alone forever and that’s just fine!” after I was, stupidly, in a very dysfunctional relationship with someone I should never have been in a relationship with. I fell into what I now know was a depression and wallowed for a while. All while feeling like I was “just fine!” Then I randomly

I, somehow, have been lucky enough to find myself in long term relationships with men that are true partners. I was married to a guy that would see we were low on clean towels and would do a wash. He did the primary duties in the kitchen. There was never any feeling that I was carrying the load alone. I’m divorced and



I love Obama more and more each day. I hope he put so many obstacles in place that it’ll take 4 years to even make a dent in removing them.

True story:
I took a friend of mine to a zoo once that had reindeer. I proclaimed “OMG! REINDEER!” and she looked at me all confused. She said “What?” and I said “Look...reindeer...” and pointed at them. She looked at them, she looked at me, she looked back and them and then asked “Umm...can they fly?”

I, however, have gone deep into debt to provide my dogs with the care that they need. For I took on that responsibility when I chose to bring them into my life. I don’t weigh the monetary cost, much to my parents displeasure. I weigh the physical cost to the pet. If the dog would have a better quality of life for

They’re just easing us in for when they decide to not protect the redwoods or anything in Yellowstone or anywhere else ever again.

I suspect he’d start out by creating a larger panic than what we saw under our current, rational, leader. For about three weeks a lot of people were convinced we’d all get the ebola and be dead. So, take that and multiply it and add reality show dramatics and there you go. That’s how he’ll deal with it and I’ll just

They are the worst.

I suspect it’s his Lando Calrissian ‘stache.

So, do the people that voted for him just not have Twitter accounts? Because how can any one read his tweets and think “Yep. He should lead the country. He’s on top of things.” My tween niece has more profound thoughts than him and she’s, mostly, discussing Teen Wolf on MTV!