
Damn my Canadian grandfather! Now I can’t vote.

Is it really that upsetting to be called autistic?

I’ve been informed on more than one occasion that I’ve “forgotten where I came from” and that they are “so happy” that I “moved away and got all enlightened so I could come home and educate the dumb hillbillies I left behind.” Which was all in response to me simply explaining that no, their religious rights were not

Ah, yes. Now that experience I know. Now that I’ve moved away (since 1995) I’m now viewed as someone that has “forgotten where she came from” and “uppity/elitist.” Alrighty then. So in that regard, yes absolutely. Watching them vote 100% against their own interests infuriates me. The state will only continue to

I’m so sorry you have had such a bad experience there. I grew up in WV, lived there 23 years and my family is still there. This is not the typical WV experience that I’m accustomed to so it always surprises me when others have it. In my eyes, the reputation it has isn’t warranted but I’m likely full of rose colored

I was just asked to put a “no election talk” censor on myself while at home for Thanksgiving. *sigh*

Yep. I realized today that I may be able to fake it pretty well when I need to. But damn if I am just really mad at some people and unable to really look straight at their faces. Loss of respect is real.

Thank you! When I saw that photo I thought “Why does he look so odd? His palms look like he’s dead...” So I flipped mine over and verified that, yes, my palms are more on the pink side and then I said “ew” because I immediately envisioned his cold, dead hands shaking my hand and it was terrible and disgusting.

I respected this woman so much. 2016 can bite me.

My friends and I backpacked the corridor trail in the Grand Canyon and were so excited because “Man, the sky will be so dark and we’ll see the stars and the planets and the Milky Way and space! Woooo!” Cue up the brightest full moon we’ve ever seen. At one point during the night each of us woke up and wondered “Who

Fortunately for me, it’s not my parents that ask the questions. My parents have always respected me and my sister, our life choices, and our opinions. So if they need me to, I’d gladly take care of them. But they gotta relocate to where I am. My love has limits.

I base my expectations for my “golden years” on my Granny. She lived alone until the day she died. She walked to town. She took care of herself. She had loving family come and visit her almost daily just to say hi. Me and my old friends will still be kicking ass, as far as I’m concerned.

My favorite is “You don’t have kids? Who’s going to take care of you when you get old?” ME, MOFOS!! ME!

I’m always confused when I find out a person I find to be horrible has a dog. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Dogs are love in fur coats! And Beagles are just awesome! I’m so confused!

Right? I’m always confused when it happens.

So, everyone is fixated on how much the girl that played Megan looks like Jennifer Lawrence, which I just don’t see. Instead, I’m over here watching the movie thinking “Where have I seen Anna before? OH! She’s the “perfect date girl” from “Miss Congeniality!

Am I the only one that thinks Rebecca Ferguson resembles

What the fuck is it about a death in the family that makes the “loved ones” act like selfish little pricks?!

YES!!! I was all “Who gives a fuck? She’ll be running the show not Bill. And not all spouses agree on all of the things all of the times and SHUT UP!!!”

My sincerest sympathy to you and your wife. That’s heartbreaking.

When he was talking in circles when he was directly asked “Will you overturn Roe v Wade if you are the President?” while discussing the Supreme Court and abortion made it so painfully obvious that he doesn’t even know what that process is! How he would go about getting it overturned. At all! I laughed and laughed.