
I’m pretty sure the comment meant that you can buy more Kerrygold at Costco than you can buy Kerrygold at local grocery stores.

*sigh* So....let me get this straight. Most Trump supporters that I know were also great Bush supporters. They had no issue with going into Iraq after 9/11 and became overly patriotic at every function ever and damn those that aren’t. This love affair also involved Condi.

My 4 years younger than I boyfriend likes to point out my few gray hairs. And I, each time, say “Hold it! Walk with me to a mirror so I can see it!” because, for some reason, it does not bother me. I’m oddly fascinated by the whole thing. So far they have all been a nice silvery white tone. I hope they all wind up

And that was what pushed me completely over the edge into skin crawling rage. The hug request. Ugh.

Are horses, cows, pigs, the kids in the “donate to save a child in Ethiopia” commercials, me, anybody that hangs out near a barn, etc. and so forth also demon possessed?

I have seen FAR too many people post “Why are people so upset that Trump said pussy?”

It completely boggles my mind that strangers will touch other people’s hair! Boggles!!

I went and had Dairy Queen after this. Thank you for the luck, sounds like I’ll need it.

Right?!?! I’m actively trying to lose 20 pounds. Dumb article making me fatter.

I wanted to love the book. It had all of the ingredients there that I’m into. And yet it was horrid.

I sorta think they’re reaction is exactly the reason “Portlandia” exists. They are skewering that whole attitude and if you can’t laugh at yourself, well, you get all pissy and put up “Fuck you, Portlandia!” signs in your windows. It’s also why I could only watch episodes in very, very small doses.

As a left leaning person that lives in Arizona, seeing this yesterday felt good. It’s significant. However, it may also make those that support Trump dig in their heels even deeper and make their voices louder. So, I’m not sure if this will help with undecided voters or not but I sure do hope so. But, yeah, it felt

I wash them, and the rest of my body, with a highly moisturizing body wash because I live in Arizona and that is some dry air I’m exposing my body to and slathering on lotion is the worst thing in the world to me. I’d rather be ashy than spend time lotioning.

I have a 2013 Honda CR-V that has a LARGE center console area that is perfect for my purse. But when the sales guy was all “And look here, space for your purse!” I was all “HOW DARE YOU!?!?!” in my head while also thinking “Oh, shit...this is great!”

That gif is hypnotic.

I don’t want to hate everybody, but reading shit like this makes me hate everybody. How is any of this even happening right now?!? Damn. This is like putting the Cookie Monster in charge of the cookie jar. But way more evil.

I’ve never heard of this dude but that photo alone made me want to punch him in his face.

It’s like they hate themselves and never want to be comfortable.



Yep. I was at Yellowstone in June and was SHOCKED to see how many people actually turn their backs on entire herds of Elk and/or Bison in order to get selfies with them. It just seems so incredibly dumb to me that people aren’t more sensible about this stuff.