
Right now people want to create a tramway that will take them to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Doing that would be a huge travesty. HUGE. Can we PLEASE just leave the National Parks alone?!

Just reading the comments about the stupid things people do make me dizzy!

I’d love to introduce these judges to my male friends that kicked the ass of the dude that thought my passed out body needed to be fondled by him. They knew it wasn’t a youthful mistake. They would never have done anything like that and were rightfully disgusted by this asshole’s behavior.

Youthful mistake my ass.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of parents that feel like their child can do no wrong. Even when they do. There has to be some outside force or reason that caused them to do the wrong thing. It is quite horrifying. That people can be that deep in denial that they’ll actively put their head in the sand and let their own

It’s this mentality, along with the downfall of the coal industry but we won’t get into that here, that has caused the parts of WV where I grew up to be among the highest in drug overdoses and addiction to prescription medications. Injuries and joblessness in a population that feels useless if they cannot work in a

The only thing I will ever use to clean my face. It doesn’t leave any residue at all. It just cleans my face.

The only thing I will ever use to clean my face. It doesn’t leave any residue at all. It just cleans my face.

I resemble that remark. #HikeLife

I did, too. I had the same reaction when I watched one of the segments of the “If These Walls Could Talk” movie on HBO. Physical pain to the point that I had to lie down.

I am so full of emotions after reading this that I feel sick. And, weirdly, crampy. This woman went through SO MUCH and it angers me that I just know that some will read this and still fight against this right. That they will be so short sighted that they will STILL want medical schools to not even teach prospective

Facebook is a social media site. Not a search engine. Not a news curator. There ARE other places on the ‘net, folks. Go to there.

I think I read somewhere that she was quoted as saying “Well, if you wanted a professional maybe you shouldn’t have hired a student.”

I go with the “less is more” approach to skin care, makeup, etc. I wear very little makeup and I use a basic cleanser and regular body lotion on my face. I’m mistaken for younger on a fairly regular basis and I’m in my 40s. I just think all of that constant tugging and putting stuff on my delicate face skin is

In Arizona, there is a large percentage of the population that votes early, which is classified as absentee ballots. If there is tampering with the mail in ballots it would be significant.

I had a sinus infection once. At the time I worked for a doctor’s office so the doc wrote me a prescription for ONE pill. Told me to go home early, get the Rx filled, take it, and he’d see me the next day. I felt like ass and was not convinced that ONE pill would make me feel better.

Paul Rudd. That’s what this straight girl wants.

And she’s helping future women by being part of this trial! Science!

I’ve been asked to fix the microwave, the fridge, the TV, etc. and so forth. I was so “happy” to read that I’m not alone in this.

I’ve been asked to work on a lot of co-worker’s personal computers through the years, which is fine. It’s just that sometimes I’d rather not know that someone enjoys reading rape fantasy “erotica.”

So glad I’m not alone here. I sometimes need a post shower shower. Thanks, uterus. Thanks.

That honeycomb ice cream story is the most gloriously stupid thing I have ever read in my entire life and I love it too much.