The Ancient Booer

No one is “forced” to do anything. You get invited and you are allowed to politely decline. My husband’s family is large and spread out over thousands of miles in the US. Sometimes we make it to family weddings, sometimes we don’t. I am not a big wedding person, as evidenced by our JP/outdoor wedding, but to each

Confession: the more I hear this song, the more I like it. I don’t want to like it but the heart wants what it wants.

Stay safe, Texas and Louisiana. The forecast is dire. I mean, potentially another two feet of rain? Holy shit.

I am an Old at age 41 and apparently lived through this trend the first time. I am still not sure what a fancy top is (blouses were a thing in the 2000s?!) and why we would want to wear crappy synthetic fabrics that need to be dry cleaned.

I was neutral on Taylor Swift prior to this lawsuit. I now have a newfound respect for her. She acknowledges she has the privilege and bank account to fight. Her $1 settlement is an enormous win for all of us women who have been sexually assaulted (which sadly, is most women).

After the big reveal of so many fake olive oils on the market, I now only buy California olive oil. Less risk of being cut with cheaper oil. I like California Olive Ranch. Whole Foods also sells a solid 100% California olive oil.

After the big reveal of so many fake olive oils on the market, I now only buy California olive oil. Less risk of

I can’t hate on this because 9 times out of 10, I pay by card but tip cash. This could easily be some asshole server just seeking attention. Not enough information here for me to judge and, believe me, I usually love to judge the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

This. It’s something no parent likes to admit but the cold hard truth is you can do everything right and your kid can still grow up to be a monster.

My first too and I was about the same age. Some dude named Dino (pronounced Deeno, not like dinosaur) opened for them. I’m too lazy to even Google who he was or if he even had a famous song.

I read the entire article and the real takeaway for me was that the author truly doesn’t know how to eat healthfully nor how to identify what “full” is, and not for her lack of trying. This is all too common and I’m not sure what the answer is.

There are legal limits how much one can pay a surrogate in California. Something something buying babies. That’s the extent of my legal knowledge.

Even worse is when people misspell preggo on message boards/forums as “prego,” which happens far more often than one would think. It always makes me think of shitty pasta sauce.

It sounds like the name of some patriotic hillbilly’s firstborn.

I hope Jimmy Choo lovers like cheap gold plated hardware with giant MK logos emblazoned on every available surface. It should also make Choos more available, coming to a TJMaxx or Mashall’s near you!

I’m so sorry. I wish you and your family nothing but peace and love.

I have heard lots of anti-Roma sentiment in Europe but zero in the US. I’d bet a good portion of Americans aren’t even aware of Roma people or where they hail from.

Same. I used “gypped” for years having no clue it’s origin or that it was offensive. It was one of those wide eyed “oh shit” moments when I connected all the dots. Once I learned, I stopped.

I’ve only browsed Everlane, never bought. I feel like 90% of their dresses, tops, and sweaters are cut in a square shape. I’m thin and can’t make that cut work. It looks like my top half is swimming in fabric. Why do they cut everything in the shape of SpongeBob?

As opposed to the completely predictable surprise, I suppose? Who knows, man. Since late 2016, up is down and right is left. Apparently words no longer mean what we think they mean.

Sounds like you’re just looking for an internet argument. Peace out✌🏽