

Last guy, D. What the fuck! Isn’t the whole point of going out that everyone can get what they want?

just an observation that the knicks are 3-0 since jarrett jack took over at starting point guard so they are now on a full-season adjusted pace to finish 79-3.

When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But

What he wants is cred. But Barstool is filled with so many douche bros, that he won’t get it unless he changes the place. I can’t see Big Cat and PFT sticking around much longer. They’re bigger than Barstool.

Are you saying the minnow has been lost?

Slightly surprised Skipper didn’t go full scorched earth and doxx PFT Commenter in his statement.

In NFL Jam, this is what would happen every time you won three straight home games.

(If nothing else, let this put the lie to any claim that Bills fans wouldn’t waste beer to put out a man on fire.)

Not the first time Columbus has fucked over the locals

Columbus resident here. I say let them leave. Fuck publicly financing a downtown stadium. There aren’t that many people who live in downtown Columbus, and our city’s public transit system is shit, so most people are still gonna have to drive to games anyway. The city is already starting to deal with blowback from

The question is, why the fuck is Border Patrol listening to a guy like this? He is clearly in need of some kind of help, but they just take him at his word when he claims that he someone is in the country illegally.

I think he is mentally ill like most true conservatives and racists. They suffer from a high level of paranoia and neuroses and, as we see in the last bit here, delusions that are either self-serving for attention or come from psychosis.

“You don’t make wholesale changes based on the ball being 2 inches wide or 2 inches in,

People seriously need to stop with the revisionist “Jürgen rebuilt the German national team program” bullshit right now. Das Reboot plan was introduced immediately after the 1998 World Cup—which Jürgen played in!

The U.S. fell to Trinidad & Tobago last night, and will not compete in the 2018 World Cup.

Jurgen needs to head the USSF. As an in-game coach he’s meh. But, as a big picture guy he’s the best. It was he the DFB, and bundesliga looked to after Germany’s disastrous 2002 showing, and it was he who started and oversaw the wholesale organizational changes that led to the Germany of now.

He has to be involved and

“It would be hilarious if it weren’t so heartbreakingly disappointing.”

Billy actually wrote this years ago, and has been waiting to publish it with fevered anticipation.

Psssh, biggest sports tournament in the world? We invent our own sports and then call our teams the world champions when they win. And no one stops us!