
Red Bull has 2 teams in the quarterfinals of Europa League. Oil money buys you Champions League spots. Energy drink money get you Europa.

“Lionel Messi wishes he had Maximus Decimus Meridius’ football IQ as he looks ahead to playing in Rome.” - Thomas Rongen 

Well actually...

Fuck, I am WAITING for a politician to come up and say: Hey, mofos, we banning everything but hunting rifles, and small caliber hand guns. Anything else is gone. Buy back program, repeal the 2nd amendment, peace.

I remember the “free market solves everything” guys from undergrad. They tended to be math / science / engineering dudes from upper-middle class backgrounds who read a lot of Ayn Rand & wrote extremely silly letters to the editor of the school paper.

Evergreen headline 

Solid writeup; Vazquez, Casemiro, and Asensio were the best players on the pitch. But:

You should also expect a Billy article to contradict it’s headline, as this one does.

Expected two things when I clicked on this:

1. For the article to be way longer than it needs to be.
2. For the article to make it feel like one of the richest and most successful teams in the world with many of its greatest players was a genuine underdog.

Not leaving disappointed.


I got another horror story regarding TaxAct. They have been doing my state taxes wrong. I live in California (duh!) and they have been adding income from my California municipal bonds into my income for taxes for the state. As far as I can determine this is not taxable income in Cali. (I am not a licensed tax preparer

Worked for Eric Crouch.

We can just run this story every year, right? Just replace the name of the African-American QB and publish?

Infowars et al should host their own fucking drivel on their own site then...YouTube doesn’t have to host anyone’s shit.

soy boy? what the hell does that mean? plant based high protein boy? let me think about it.

You seem to think posting videos on website owned by a private company is is a right and they have to let you do it ....

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

I thought it was Princess Astra?

What football are you watching in June?