
i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.

Look, I understand that you are upset about black people being murdered, but can we discuss it in a way that removes the black people and the murder? That would make me much more comfortable.

Is anyone surprised though? I agree, this is all bullshit, look how it was spun. Where there is a way to find tragedy (an actual disaster, socioeconomic problem, race problem, etc) and spin it into marketing and dollars you can bet your fucking home that it’ll happen.

You had to know it was coming, so:

As a veteran I am sick and fucking tired of being used as a poster for the right in general. Like a lot, maybe most, people I signed up for a lot of reasons, family, circumstance, patriotism and to get the fuck out of small town. If I’d known 30 years later my service would used like this, I would’ve taken that job at

Barron was photographed rocking a head-to-toe Arsenal kit

He only played in 44 career games and still had severe CTE.

He only played in 44 career games and still had severe CTE. The NFL isn’t going to like this one bit.

And even if you go back and watch older episodes you see a VASTLY different way they police compared to now. I mean there’s that classic episode where they come up to a guy with a knife walking along the highway and eventually like 9 cops tackle him and get knife and arrest him. NOT A SINGLE SHOT FIRED! Whereas now

Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.

Still no cups with Argentina

He convinced the Spanish government that they owe him money?

Now playing

Good Welsh wing play isn’t without precedence, you know.

You haven’t read his many breathless articles about Messi and Barçelona? He’s Culé (and a Gooner) who, curiously enough, doesn’t know that much about soccer.

Cavani, who hasn’t won anything as a team’s focal point, is too good for what now? He’ll score 40-plus goals playing with Neymar and Mbappe and should exhibit the requisite chill.

Totally off-topic: I don’t know when we started giving initial names to forward lines (like Real Madrid’s BBC and Liverpool’s SAS), but I appreciate how Barcelona went from MSN (Messi-Suarez-Neymar) to LOL (Leo-Ousmane-Luis).

You know the world deserves to die when a sports “beef” can be inferred by the unfollowing of someone on Instagram.

Interestingly, the White House has had no problem accusing various individuals of having committed crimes when no crimes have occurred (e.g., Comey’s “illegally leaking classified information,” Obama’s “illegally wire-tapping Trump Tower,” Rice’s “illegally unmasking Americans’ identities”), yet the White House has

He was the leader of the `94 team that made the final-16 solely upon their grit and determination. He was the first American to play Serie A.

Lalas represents all that was good about US soccer in 1994 and all that is bad about US soccer in 2017.